"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

21 December 2021


©Mohammad Ali Aznabi 

God's Greatest Gift

 I get the touch of your loving affection
 In the depth of my heart, my Mother!
 Your memories arouse mournful delight
 Your magical soft eyes - a warm smile
 Brings the moon-beams in my heart-sky.

 Weary eyes in your sickness, 
 Weak trembling hands 
 Flash in my clear vision
And brings tears in my eyes.

 Mom!  I am fascinated 
At the touch of your affection
Tears fall from the eyes 
For a wonderful blessing.

Your patience is so soft sweet - 
Happy mind with a little!
Simple movements like an innocent child,
Indifferent mind from the world - 
Soft as a flower
I am superbly fascinated at your whole life.

Your touch I find 
Amidst the children and butterflies,
Green leaves, blue extended sky.
I find your mind in bounteous beauty
In the fountain, in colourful evening, 
And the dews of the dawn.

Departure of your body in a holy moment
Spreads white light in peaceful elegance.
Your delighted and radiant body
Rouses burning sorrow in the depth of mind!

 Mom! The light of God shines in your grave
 My inward eye sees the dawn of light here,
 The darkness of my mind flees instantly
 The lamp of love burns and the cheeks float
  in tears.

The mind is immersed in fragrance 
When I come close to your grave,
Peaceful wind blows in my limbs -
Swings the new leaves of delight.

You are my love and peace - 
Overflowing fragrance and divine light
Your feet are my heaven -God's greatest gift.

Source: Literature and Philosophy/FB