"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

26 June 2022


Lifted from the Author Maria Theresa Causapin
By permission...

đŸŽĩ will you still need me,
        will you still feed me,
        when I'm 64...đŸŽļ

As you grow older,
You will come to appreciate
That it doesn’t ultimately matter 
How others view you. 
As you know yourself best .

And no one who has not experienced life as you,
Carried the same burdens,
Lived through the same trials,
And experienced the same highs and lows, 
Has the right to judge you or your path
As they don’t understand.
All of the components and details
That have contributed to you becoming you.

That the people around you are living lives
That are just as complex as yours,
And are oftentimes much more focused on themselves and their own lives 
Than you.
And while their lives are their business,
Your life is your own to create..

As you grow older,
You will understand 
That sometimes we underestimate ourselves,
Belittle ourselves,
Suppress ourselves,
Ignore our potential,
And waste our time
Trying to prove ourselves to others .
Rather than seeking to satisfy and impress ourselves first.

As you grow older,
You will come to appreciate the importance
Of living a life that is true to yourself.
And learn to fight for your peace, joy, passions and dreams.

And as you grow older,
You will come to appreciate 
That you have no obligation to remain
In spaces where you aren’t loved or appreciated.

You do not have to convince others
That you are worthy of being loved. 
And that while others may hurt you
All that breaks you, 
Provides you with the opportunity to rebuild.

And as you grow older,
You will learn to better appreciate
Moments of silence, solitude and privacy. 

You will learn to accept and approve of yourself,
Rather than seeking validation from others.

You will learn to treasure your own company,
Value your own opinions,
Trust your own judgement,
And live a life that is truly your own.

And you will discover
That it is never too late for you to start anew,
Begin something again.
And revisit previous passions ,
As your age doesn’t have to restrict or dictate
All you accomplish
What you pursue 
Or who you choose to become.....😊

 Thoughts of my 64 years of existence..💞
  By..MTCausapin 06/26/22

Photo credit to Mitsuko Nishii Francisco 


FOR ILA Challenge



The night was about to end and we stood 
One more time by the bow of the "Showboats"
To view the dazzling Vivid Night for good.

Two years of hiatus when Covid smote;
All hell let loose, no Vivid Lights, no cruise;
One more time by the bow of the "Showboats"

Cabaret show, food, drink and friendship's muse
A night to remember, no past bestowed 
All hell let loose, no Vivid Lights, no cruise;

Tonight with friends, our happy moments flowed 
It's something to look back ere mem'ries lost 
A night to remember, no past bestowed.

In tune with Vivid, lights and colours tossed
Into a fluid night with vibrant moon
It's something to look back ere mem'ries lost.


Happenstance of joyful time lasted soon 
Each guest met friends with auld lang syne to croon 
The night was about to end and we stood 
To view the dazzling Vivid Night for good.

©Leah C Dancel
Copyright © June 11, 2022
All rights reserved


"A poem must have a story and the poem above has it- very vivid actually! The rhythm and the rhyming, and the choice of words, all add beauty to the story and to the poem itself. Indeed, this is ♥️♥️♥️" ~Jeffrey Cejero, 27 June 2023

"Since I read this I had the ‘last music syndrome’ and Auld Lang Syne keep playing on my mind."  đŸŽļ ~Mirella Macaulay, March 13, 2022


June 27, 2022


The Terzanelle is a poetry type which is a combination of  the villanelle and the terza rima forms invented by Lewis Turco.

It is a 19-line poem consisting of five interlocking tercets plus a concluding quatrain in which the first and third lines of the first triplet appear as refrains. 

The middle line of each triplet is repeated, reappearing as the last line of the succeeding triplet with the exception of the center line of the next-to-the-last stanza which appears in the quatrain.

The rhyme and refrain scheme for the triplets is as follows:

ABA’ bCB cDC dED eFE fAFA‘ or

Meter is Iambic Pentameter (10 syllables per line)

Example Poem:
By Leah C Dancel, Copyright © 2022, All rights reserved.

Info Source: Google 

24 June 2022


By Cherrie Facun Dancel


You are unique.
Though you're opaque.
You serve the purpose,
In beauty and pose.

You look so lovely.
Pleasant to the eyes of many.
You brighten someone's day,
That cheer them on their way.

You are standing still.
Doing very well.
Believing in your own.
Admired by a person.

You are God's creation.
Beautiful beyond description.
Wonderfully made
That God has blessed.

June 25, 2022

21 June 2022


By Leah C Dancel

N đŸŒē E 🌹N đŸĩ️ E
(Angelic Friend)

Angelic face
Sweet and kind
Bedimpled cheeks
Give beauty so
Demure but chic
Smiling eyes
Glowing in the sky
Soft thin lips
That slow to speak
Simple comeliness
With virtues great
A lady, a woman
A mother, a teacher
A person all in all.

She's astute
Quiet in success
She carried on
Her duties day-to-day.
She taught to care
She cared and shared
Time and effort 
Caring for children 
Of every kind.
Her kitchen abuzzing
With things to do
Feeding kids so they grow
She's somebody's mother too,
You know!

So much to say 
About this petite lady
I piled them up on my mind 
The thoughts I have 
For her - in years.
Today is that right time
To tell her and express
Those sentient sentiments
I reserved for her.
Nene, I love you -
Your genuinity is exceptional 
A one true friend to be crowned
With fervour, pride and honour 
Who holds true to your calling.

You were brought into my life
By fate through another friend
Whom you stood by all these years
Through thick and thin; highs and lows
You're an epitome of earthly Angel
Thank you for your great compassion
With pure heart full of empathy;
Listening ears that understand 
And broad shoulders to cry on;
Without judging, without prejudice.
Your ready acceptance and tolerance
Even in trivialities of life far exceed 
Anyone's expectations of you.
In the field of Humanity where you excelled.


©Leah C Dancel 
Copyright © June 22, 2022
All rights reserved

Created by #leahcdancel
Via #Canva


Shared by Estelle Cortes
Another immortal Inspirational Lines
From Pablo Neruda 

You start dying slowly
if you do not travel,
if you do not read,
if you do not listen to the sounds of life,
if you do not appreciate yourself.

You start dying slowly
When you kill your self-esteem;
When you do not let others help you.
You start dying slowly
If you become a slave of your habits,
Walking everyday on the same paths…
If you do not change your routine,
If you do not wear different colors
Or you do not speak to those you don’t know.

You start dying slowly
If you avoid to feel passion
And their turbulent emotions;
Those which make your eyes glisten
And your heart beat fast.
You start dying slowly
If you do not change your life when you are not satisfied with your job, or with your love,
If you do not risk what is safe for the uncertain,
If you do not go after a dream,
If you do not allow yourself,
At least once in your lifetime,
To run away from sensible advice…

 Author ✍️Pablo Neruda

(Ate Leah Dancel thank you so much for saving this in your blog.)


By Leah C Dancel

(Rensaku Form)


Lemony yellow 
Of glorious morning sunrise
Beautiful daylight!
With vibrant rays stream across
Staccato of humming bees.


Falling off the ground
Are leaves messing up with earth
Like coloured carpets 
Brown, gold, orange, red, purple, 
And yellow strums Vivaldi!


Hibernation comes
With lofty chills and freezes
Time stands still and bids
Adieu to life till we meet
In snow Adagio Fields.


Life is back on track
With anthesis coming in
Colour attractions
From home gardens, parks and streets
Highlighted in Allegro.

©Leah C Dancel 
Copyright © June 21, 2022
All rights reserved

Comments from ILA:

"AN artistic skilful presentation with poetic diction...really superb!!!" ~Gul Bakhti

"Leah Dancel - you deserve a big applause as you have the talents what to present and the skills how to present." ~Gul Bakhti

"I love the theme po nay. Another masterpiece 💖" ~Jeffrey Cejero

"Beautifully penned lyrics đŸŒŧđŸŒē" ~Denia Claret 

"Very finely depicted." ~Safdar Bhatti 


"Well described! Na picture ko tuloy how each season looks like besides the photos you have ☀️ ❄️ đŸŒŗ 🍃. Naka Rensaku form pa đŸĨ°" ~Mirella aka Ozark Lane 

"Leah Dancel - There’s no doubt you have the gift of words, of describing things and being able to properly put them together 💕" ~Mirella aka Ozark Lane 

19 June 2022


By Leah C Dancel

It's nice to stow away
From colds that beset me.
Here in my little room
Is where a piece of me
Enjoy blissful solitude:
Eluding wisenheimer bugs
And the whimpers of wind
That blow icy winks 
On drab winter days.
Peace is my dartboard
Where I can throw in
My pillow of quietude
In silence, uninterrupted.

©LCD, June 19, 2022

18 June 2022


By Leah C Dancel


Bordered with nothing
Fresh whiteness blooms
Across the boundless field
Stuns the spectacle of Spring!

One enchanting paradigm
Of grace and nobility
Arise to stand in awe
Her beauty of pedigree!

Pure bliss 
In every one's heart
In pulchritudinous dream!

Perfect love is what Tulips means
Worthy of admiration
Such honour brings
Divinely designed by nature's creation.

© Leah C Dancel
Copyright © June 19, 2022
All rights reserved
#JuneJuly 2022

From Linda Heravi, Canada:
Wow 😮, impressive!
Love where your thoughts leads you and your full expression is amazingly conveyed into this beautiful poem!

One Solitary Rose.

By Shenni Waldron

One Solitary Rose. 

One solitary rose, fragile unique, different to the rest.
Soft as silk, with the sweetest of perfume, intoxicating.
White with the palest pink edge.
A rebel in a sense, standing proud amongst the myriad of plain white.
Fragile, yet so strong in its proud stance of individuality. 
Looking somewhat like cotton candy as it sways in the gentle breeze. 
So picturesque and soothing to the eye.
A dainty platform for the numerous butterflies who sip at its nectar.
A shady shelter for the industrious buzzing bees.
Dew kissed and sun warmed, ah such a beautiful gift from Mother Nature! 
Copyright © shennirose 2022

17 June 2022


By Leah C Dancel


The power is cast on reflection
Against the wall of grandiose obsession
Where cogent clash of power play
Disavowed its own vainglory.

Much of your imposing dreams
Skyscrapers in the sky
Look down where you fall
Vie not against the brawny might.

Let no arrogance of your prowess
Either intellectual or academic
For progress and prosperity
Let no one digress to poverty.

©Leah C Dancel
Copyright © June 18, 2022
All rights reserved

16 June 2022


By Leah C Dancel

Photo credit to the owner 

For Miemie:

Simple Things are Blessings too
Never ever take it for granted
Whether it's a little pebble handed to you
Or a marbled table sculpted for you.

Don't look beyond your wall to see
With nothing fancy hanging on its space
But look over the skies holding its beauty around with grace
Then you find something to marvel with praise.

Delightful things are found within
It's lying deep in your heart and soul
The wondrous miracles life can fill
It's never empty, never lacking, never will.

Contentment is a virtue by itself
For whatever you have, great and small
Bless others with your heart's content
Generously give never expecting a reward.

©Leah C Dancel
Copyright © June 17, 2022
All rights reserved

15 June 2022


Lifted from ILA Magazine
Posted with permission

By Zana Coven

I was born in a land of dreams
Where all rainbows live
My craddle was made of stars
And Sun was my hive
My mother is a song that
Never stops to sing
Taking me in her arms
And rocking gently my dreams

My first and only friend
Shines above all nights
Dreaming dreams of silver sand
I know we are connected tight
Moon recounts me heavenly tales
While all the world sleeps 
Telling me all secrets
Universe hid from  earth

I am a daughter of invisible spirits
That unseen souls have
Powerful is my breath and my voice
Like waterfalls underwater streams
I dwell in every flower, rocks are my shelter
My mother protects me with just her smile
My father is thunder's helper 

Life is just a path
Thru which my soul flies
Learning lessons of Divine
While walking  on fresh  morning grass
I need nothing to have my peace
Light and free is my soul
Where all Suns dwell

Zana Coven
Copyright © June 16, 2023
All rights reserved

14 June 2022

On Your 63rd Birthday

By Leah C Dancel

On Your 63rd Birthday
(Birthday dedication to Lucy Trecasse)

Many happy returns of the day
My dearest Lucy!
Today is your 63 years living life
full of gratitude,
An attitude - never amissed!

I wish you more glory and success;
Achievements that fate has destined.
Your aims and goals you longed aspired
At last have found their fulfillment.

Now is the time to lay back and sip champagne
To celebrate life with joy and pride
With loved ones by your side
Greeting you more blessed years!

©Leah C. Dancel
Copyright © June 15, 2022
All rights reserved


By Khalil Gibran

Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. 

Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars. 

You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give. 

Let there be spaces in your togetherness. 

Yesterday is but today's memory, and tomorrow is today's dream. 

I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers. 

Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. 

Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation. 

Work is love made visible.
If you cannot work with love but only with distaste, it is better that you should leave your work. 

Khalil Gibran


By Leah C Dancel


There used to be a boy in my class
Who never ran short of ideas in problem solving
His skills were far from conventional
But on my mind, he's astute and philosophical
He's quick-witted and could get away with it.
"Thinking outside the box",  you say?
Well, let's see and tell me what you say:
In Art subject, call it a Drawing Class
The teacher took us, kids, to the farm
There we saw lots of different animals
Name it, we knew them all.
Us kids took notice of everything we saw.
We made a mental photography for each one:
The cows, goats,  sheep, horses and pigs;
The chicken, ducks, geese and turkey;
There were dogs, cats, and rabbits too.
Soon we're back inside the classroom
Our teacher told us to get a paper and pencil.
We have had to draw an animal or two
The one that we liked most.
Ibrahim, the boy, came in front first
He was a very clever boy, second to none.
He put his paper on the teacher's table with face down.
Time's up, all done.
One by one, the teacher checked.
Wait! She called on Ibrahim.
I didn't see you drew an animal!
What it is? Where is it?
I see nothing but a box!
Oh! Ma'am, of course you can't see it!
I drew a horse and it's inside the box!

The story may sound funny that annoys the teacher.
Yet, the lesson is as clear as a cloudless day.
The boy didn't only "think outside the box"
To get away from drawing a real animal
But he also kept his horse inside the box.
Sorry, but his problem solving skills
Didn't work, much less gained him an award. 😉

© Leah C Dancel
Copyright © May 27, 2022
All rights reserved

13 June 2022


By Leah C Dancel

(Dedicated to Lucy Trecasse and Nene Mam one)

It was a gorgeous day
Mother Nature took a breathing space
Which gave leeway to a happy place
For all to have fun and play.

Tired and weary, the weather dashed for a respite
From puffing strong blistering gelid air
And winds obeyed and ceased his gale of laughter
That benumbed everyone's sagging spirit.

With friends coming for a special trip
A cruise around the harbour quay.
I went ahead to find our cruise ship
By the wharf it anchored ere its voyage into the sea. 

I found the berth at last to my relief
After such a long walk I mastered in disbelief.
On reaching the end, the arvo sun was brighter still
With its glorious golden rays beaming at will.

People were standing tall - enthralled by the glowing orb
They lined by the rail as I leaned over unperturbed
Transfixed by the splendour sparks going down
To its throne to rest bedecked with a jewelled crown.

The harbour quay couldn't be silenced by awe
As all gasped at the beauty appearing in view
The sunset became the object of woo
As I sang in joyful praise before I waved adieu.

©Leah C Dancel
Copyright © June 11, 2022
All rights reserved

Come My Love

Lifted from ILA Magazine

Come My Love

Come my love,
Come my Cashmere,
Before the cup of life is filled,
You aren't no man's land,
Let me crawl a little,
On the thorns of life,
Before I fall and fail in love.
What in man's nature,
You do love I know,
From all before health and wealth.
O' frail! O' fragile! O' brittle!
On what of your promises,
One can feed to believe,
But a poor strangled,
In the web of love,
When the men of world,
Break into, to enjoy,
The regime of beauties,
Dew pearled, pomegranate cheeks,
And the glance of radiant glow:
Like a black cloud cherishing,
Lavishly on the frost snow of moon.

© Saadat Ali Khan Noahan

I Have Many Shadows Though I am Alone

By Kawsar Khalil


I Have Many Shadows Though I am Alone
I have many things to postpone 
I have many things to openly confess 
I have many things to patiently hedge 
I have many things to take off the pledge
I have many things to keep abreast

I have many things to warmly possess 
I have many vices to acknowledge
I have many grizzly offences at repose
I have many duds likely and suppose
I have many virtues falling off the edge

I have many bars to face with courage
I have many steps that need to depose
I have many neurons to file my knowledge 
I have many ideas to grow like fledge 
I have many fingers to point and expose
I have many days lost like a withered rose
I have many things to hire and hone
I have many sorrows I die to express
I have many days to stand up and quest
I have many shadows though I am alone

® Kawsar Khalil
     Valley of Kashmir, India


By Nikita Gill


One day when you wake up, 
you will find that you've become a forest.
You've grown roots and found strength in them
that no one thought you had. 
You have become stronger and more beautiful,
full of life giving qualities. 
 You have learned to take all the negativity around you,
and turn it into oxygen for easy breathing. 
A host of wild creatures live inside you,
and you call them stories. 
A variety of beautiful birds nest inside your mind,
and you call them memories. 
You have become an incredible self sustaining thing of epic proportions. 
And you should be so proud of yourself,
of how far you have come from the seeds of who you used to be.

12 June 2022


By Leah C Dancel

(Dedicated to Bubba Zana)

Nature sings in flowers
Showcasing its wonders
In the eyes of a little child
Her innocence and curiosity
Arose in silent scrutiny
In each petal, soft and velvety.

Nature sings in grasses
A green carpet laid on
The soft surface of the earth
Each broad or slender leafy touch
Awaken her senses
As tender as her mind comprehends.

Nature sings among the trees
In all seasons of the year;
Annual or perennial doesn't matter.
Trees are the best of friends
In them flow an awesome spring 
For all its grandeur only God creates.

©Leah C. Dancel
Copyright © June 13, 2022
All rights reserved

8 June 2022


By Leah C Dancel

Crossing oceans for others
Who can't even lift a paddle 
For you when you're drowning
Who can't hold your shaking hands
As you cross an unstable bridge...
Who never care to hold your umbrella
When you're drenching under a savage storm
But watch you melting in a raging furnace of trials
Of all life's cruel challenges
And only remember you as it suits them..
Those are the ones who do not deserve
To be with you on your journey ...

© Leah C Dancel
Copyright ©June 9, 2022
All rights reserved


By Jeffrey Dacanay Cejero
Theme: Sweet Dreams

My Wish, Hope and Prayer

When burden was too much heavy,
He was there to carry my mountain.
When the sky was disturbed by storm,
He was there to blow away my hard rain.
When war erupted with so much rage and pain,
His embrace protected me from bullets and disdain.

I'm not referring to superman but to my father.
He was the sword that could cut every adversity.
He was the diamond shield protecting me from darkness.
He was the wind supporting me to reach the sky
But my father was just an ordinary human
With limits and whose life was already judged by time.

And tonight is another moment to meet my father again.
I'm begging the heaven to please allow him to visit me.
I miss him so much- his face, his voice... everything about him.
May this night give me back my father.
May this night be filled of sweet dreams.
May my wish, hope and prayer be granted!


By Jeffrey Dacanay Cejero

When the moon and the stars refused to shine,
Doesn't mean that you have the darkest night.
Gather every firefly, every piece of light
And surely, you will have a night that's bright.

When the land is covered with snow,
Doesn't mean that every tree is dead.
Gather every love that’s flaming in red
And surely, spring will about to spread.

When heaven started to agonize,
Doesn't mean that the sun will forever hide.
Gather every smile, search happiness far and wide
And surely, a rainbow will be by your side.

When your dreams are broken, shattered into pieces
Doesn't mean that your life has already ended.
Gather every thread of hope, never to be defeated
And surely, you're a victor because you've never surrendered!

7 June 2022


By Hedda Tady

There is no shame in accepting weariness of the world, for indeed, perhaps we are unaware, but this home is no longer the same as the one of old. This one takes bites off of you from every corner. This one demands, exacts a price, that all too often is too steep to bear for one human.

But that is ok.
Tell yourself you are ok.
Sometimes, you don’t need to produce something totally grand.
Sometimes, good is enough.

And sometimes, when life has become a little too cold, harsh, difficult, look to ones that hold you in their silence.

There, seek comfort.
And when that does not work, run to the woods, walk along the shores. There, seek solace. There, find yourself again. 

Each one is far too preoccupied with living, surviving, thriving. You make plans, you set your eyes towards the future, but you find, the future could not wait for you. It went on ahead, leaving you groping for a new kind of tomorrow.

Hurt, pained, but all of these is nothing but of your own making. When you allowed your heart to walk outside your chest, sometimes, someone runs away with it. Sometimes, in their hurrying to tomorrow, they didn’t see it lying on the ground. Stepping over it, on it, dead weight on your heart.... it happens. 

Let go.
Set eyes kindly on the other, for they too, are just making the best out of nothing that the world has become. They too, are just making an effort to grow old leaving not trash but gold. 

So, walk along the shores.
Talk to a tree.
Run your hands along flowers in the garden that is life. 
Run to the mountains.
And for a bit, seek refuge in Mother Nature. Until, you find that your heart is back in the protection of your chest, not lying all vulnerable, on the ground, for others to trample.

*Written May 28, 2021, FB page : Melancholic Reverie.

5 June 2022

I Have Many Shadows Though I am Alone

By Kawsar Khalil

I Have Many Shadows Though I am Alone
I have many things to postpone 
I have many things to openly confess 
I have many things to patiently hedge 
I have many things to take off the pledge
I have many things to keep abreast
I have many things to warmly possess 
I have many vices to acknowledge
I have many grizzly offences at repose
I have many duds likely and suppose
I have many virtues falling off the edge
I have many bars to face with courage
I have many steps that need to depose
I have many neurons to file my knowledge 
I have many ideas to grow like fledge 
I have many fingers to point and expose 
I have many days lost like a withered rose
I have many things to hire and hone
I have many sorrows I die to express
I have many days to stand up and quest
I have many shadows though I am alone

® Kawsar Khalil
     Valley of Kashmir, India

3 June 2022


By Hum Ale

The Ballad of Summer 

The beautiful day showers 
In Shivi, the home of the herdsman
The gentle breeze wafts 
The fragrance of the grasslands
The perennial sound of cowbell 
Echoes from the distant prairie 
Caresses a beautiful aura of Summer 
The cattle graze under the azure sky  
Romp as assuage appetite 
The amiable rivulet flows a benign ode 
Soothes the heart of herdsman 
The trees dance in a beautiful cadence 
Beckons the arrival of the midday wind 
Bliss sprinkles when rain falls 
The herdsman leaps with bamboo conical hat 
Longing the days to brisk swiftly 
Cicadas shrills song as the evening bids
Shivi nestles within its own chronicle 

(C) Hum Ale 

PC: Hum Ale

2 June 2022


By Leah C. Dancel


I miss our summer
And the warm days full of fun and laughter;
Trav'ling o'er the mountains
And passing through its gentle terrains
Till we get to the open sea
With alluring fine white sandy beaches.

There we camp our shady tent;
Excitement fills our hearts' content.
Cool and refreshing is the ocean breeze;
How inviting the waves with playful crests!
Down the water; we crawl, dip, float, and wade -
Endless fun and happy mem'ries will never fade.

©Leah C. Dancel
Copyright © June 3, 2022
All rights reserved

"At the beach, life is different. Time doesn't move hour to hour but mood to moment. We live by the currents, plan by the tides and follow the sun." ~Sandy Gingras