"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

10 November 2017


“If you’re feeling frightened
about what comes next, don’t be.
Embrace the uncertainty.
Allow it to lead you places.

Be brave as it challenges you to exercise
both your heart and your mind as you create
your own path toward happiness;
don’t waste time with regret.

Spin wildly into your next action.
Enjoy the present, each moment,
as it comes,
because you’ll never get
another one quite like it.

And if you should ever look up
and find yourself lost,
simply take a breath and start over.

Retrace your steps and go back
to the purest place in your heart…
where your hope lives.
You’ll find your way again.”

From Trust Your Journey


17 September 2017


Our lives are made up
of a million moments,
spent in a million different ways. 

Some are spent searching
love, peace, and harmony.
Others are spent surviving
day by day.

But there is no greater moment
than when we find that life,
with all it's joys and sorrows, 

is meant to be lived
one day at a time. 

It's in this knowledge
that we discover
the most wonderful truth of all.

Whether we live in a forty-room mansion, 

surrounded by servants and wealth,
or find it a struggle to manage 

the rent month to month,
we have it within our power
to be fully satisfied
and live a life with true meaning.

One day at a time -
we have that ability, 

through cherishing each moment 

and rejoicing in each dream. 

We can experience each day anew,
and with this fresh start
we have 
what it takes to make
all our dreams come true.

Each day is new,
and living one day at a time
enables us to truly enjoy
life and live it to the fullest.


Source:www.inspirationline dot com

15 August 2017


~•✿•~ ~•✿•~

There's a darkness. There's light.
There's a light. There's hope.
There's hope. There's a future.
There's a future. I can live.

Because there is darkness, there is light
Because there is light, there is hope
Because there is hope, there is the future
Because there is the future, I can live

The heart of the sum in the future
To the world.
I'm trying to tell you.
It's nice to meet you.

~ Manchu Yokota ~
Japanese writer

13 August 2017


~•✿•~ ~•✿•~

I want a life full of wonder
Not live just to ponder
I want to laugh with happy tears 

Not drown my life in beers.

I want total indulgence in life
Not a life indulging in strife
I want fearless satisfaction
Not fears driving me to distraction.

I want love for construction
Not reasons for destruction
I want sincerity from the start
Not pain that tears me apart.

I want to steal your innocent heart
Not tear your innocence apart
I want to release your spirit soul
Not squeeze it into a black hole.

July 13 2017

11 August 2017


~•✿•~ ~•✿•~

By Yesu Ben

Before the sun can penetrate your veil
to make of thee a white winged angel free,
you must, Lanoo, peel off your guise, your jail
and slay your mortal lunar self and flee.

For to possess your soul, fight Self and flesh,
twins, and yet one must perforce disappear

and in the struggle, must taste pain and thresh
‘til sense and person cease to interfere.

Till snake and serpent rise above the head

and unify the Spirit and the man,
till every drop of his blood has been shed

and he becomes himself the Path he scans,

Till then he cannot be a god of air
for true gods don’t a shroud or mantle wear.

(12 August 2017)

Written by Benigno Dela Cruz

6 July 2017


~•✿•~ ~•✿•~

It is when beauty arrives,
To wake us up and come alive,
Guide our eyes to the sky,
To look within and we will shine.

Keep the flame of hope burning bright,
To see our inner light come to life,
And then the winds blow and we begin to breathe,
To hold that moment that never leaves.

Seek the beauty within the world,
Grasp the life we hold deep inside,
Embrace everything from our soul,
Until we reflect the light from our eyes.

The light gives life to the colours of change,
Blending into one that remain the same,
Adorning the blue stained sky,
Dreams reign high while clouds entwine.

And the depths of the ocean below,
Reflects our tears through rain and snow,
Crystallised in the blink of our eyes,
A momentary glimmer of the radiant light.

Stars awaken as we look above,
And pain slowly fades to love,
Reawakened as we morph to dust,
And dissolve in all that is and ever was.

We reveal of what is inside,
Within the lineaments of our soul,
A beauty mirrored from our eyes,
It is a teardrop filled with the world.

Beauty is the essence of the heart,
As love is expressed into an art,
A light that is born that guides us home,
A dream that dawns of all we've known.

A birth into the unborn again,
A commencing where all become still,
A starting where we stopped to rest,
A momentary time that we fulfill.

©Patrick Graven

15 June 2017


~•✿•~ ~•✿•~

Don’t break a bird’s wings and then tell it to fly.
Don’t break a heart and then tell it to love.
Don’t break a soul and then tell it to be happy.
Don’t see the worst in a person
and expect them to see the best in you.
Don’t judge people and expect them to stand by your side.
Don’t play with fire and expect to stay perfectly safe.

Life is about giving and taking.
You cannot expect to give bad and receive good.
You cannot expect to give hate and receive love.
So if you’re willing to see positive change in your life,
You must be willing to be that change itself.
~Najwa Zebian

Source: Lessons Learned in Life

~•✿•~ ~•✿•~

24 April 2017


~•✿•~ ~•✿•~

"Long, long ago I learned to love those rolling hills and open plains.
To me it’s heaven.
There, if the sun is shinin’ down or if the dark clouds send the rain,
It’s still like heaven.
To me it's heaven.

Here comes the prairie sun.
It’s morning!
I wake and give the world this warnin’,
I’m mighty glad that I was born in
A land that’s close to heaven.

All through the day the plains I’m roamin’.
My heart has nowhere to be homin’.
I make my camp at twilight’s gloamin’
And there I’m close to heaven."

By Bob Nolan

Source: From the painting of Tom Cox Fine Arts

~•✿•~ ~•✿•~

23 April 2017


~•✿•~ ~•✿•~

On the day I die a lot will happen.
A lot will change.
The world will be busy.
On the day I die, all the important appointments I made
will be left unattended.
The many plans I had yet to complete
will remain forever undone.
The calendar that ruled so many of my days
will now be irrelevant to me.
All the material things I so chased and guarded and treasured
will be left in the hands of others to care for or to discard.

The words of my critics which so burdened me
will cease to sting or capture anymore.
They will be unable to touch me.
The arguments I believed I’d won here will not serve me
or bring me any satisfaction or solace.

All my noisy incoming notifications and texts and calls
will go unanswered.
Their great urgency will be quieted.

My many nagging regrets will all be resigned to the past,
where they should have always been anyway.
Every superficial worry about my body that I ever labored over;
about my waistline or hairline or frown lines, will fade away.

My carefully crafted image,
the one I worked so hard to shape for others here,
will be left to them to complete anyway.
The sterling reputation I once struggled so greatly to maintain
will be of little concern for me anymore.

All the small and large anxieties that stole sleep from me each night
will be rendered powerless.
The deep and towering mysteries about life and death
that so consumed my mind will finally be clarified
in a way that they could never be before while I lived.
These things will certainly all be true on the day that I die.

Yet for as much as will happen on that day,
one more thing that will happen.
On the day I die, the few people who really know
and truly love me will grieve deeply.

They will feel a void.

They will feel cheated.

They will not feel ready.
They will feel as though a part of them has died as well.

And on that day, more than anything in the world
they will want more time with me.
I know this from those I love and grieve over.

And so knowing this, while I am still alive
I’ll try to remember that my time with them is finite
and fleeting and so very precious—
and I’ll do my best not to waste a second of it.

I’ll try not to squander a priceless moment worrying about
all the other things that will happen on the day I die,
because many of those things
are either not my concern or beyond my control.

Friends, those other things have an insidious way
of keeping you from living even as you live;
vying for your attention, competing for your affections.
They rob you of the joy of this unrepeatable, uncontainable, ever-evaporating
Now with those who love you and want only to share it with you.

Don’t miss the chance to dance with them while you can.

It’s easy to waste so much daylight in the days before you die.

Don’t let your life be stolen every day by all that you believe matters,
because on the day you die, much of it simply won’t.

Yes, you and I will die one day.
But before that day comes: let us live..

~ John Pavlovitz

Source: Lessons Learned in Life
April 20, 2017

~•✿•~ ~•✿•~


~•✿•~ ~•✿•~

Cheerful thoughts like sunbeams
Lighten up the "darkest fears,
For when the heart is happy,

There's just no time for tears. 

And when the face is smiling,
It's impossible to frown,
And when you are "high-spirited,
You cannot feel "low-down."

For the nature of our attitude
Toward circumstantial things,

Determines our acceptance
Of the problems that life brings.

And since fear and dread and worry
Cannot help in any way,

It's much healthier and happier
To be cheerful every day.

And if you'll only try it
You will find, without a doubt,

A cheerful attitude's something
No one should be without.

For when the heart is cheerful,

It cannot be filled with fear,
And without fear, the way ahead,
Seems more distinct and clear.

Helen Steiner Rice (1900-1981

Source: www.Inspiration

~•✿•~ ~•✿•~


~•✿•~ ~•✿•~

Be still, and create a relaxing space 

to move into the silent place within yourself.

Breathe deeply for several minutes to allow yourself

to connect with your inner source of power.

Once calm you'll more easily connect to your holy observer.

It's the private residence of your Soul.

Your spirit adores truthfulness, 
and in quietude
you can seek out and unearth your truth.

If you're struggling, 
go into it until
you find the cause, so it can be healed.

Move beyond the flurry and prattle of life

into sweet serenity, and submit to stillness.

Let go of the lure to indulge 
feelings of stress, urgency, and crisis.

Your vibration is uplifted in silence,
so seek solitude regularly

to listen to the voice of your highest self
and awaken your 
divine insight;
this harmony gives birth to profound tranquility.

~By Michelle Mullady

Source: Inspiration Line dot com

~•✿•~ ~•✿•~