"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

24 April 2012


A poem by “Mystic Dave” Lanier

No matter where you go,
be it near or far,
when you finally get there,
well then, there you are.

Find you are the same one,
who tried to go away.
Travel can't change you,
only the place you stay.

Perhaps you will see
something that is new.
Find that you are wiser,
and find you are still you.

Source: The Happy Guy
May 13, 2009

Each day is a new beginning

Your life is a journey ahead of you.
Each day is a new beginning.
Yesterday is a friend that will guide you.

There will be good times and bad times;
Cherish the good, because they make life sweet,
But be thankful for the bad,
For through them you come to know
The important things in life
And the meaning of life.
There will be times when you face
Difficult decisions,
And you won’t know which way to turn.
The important thing is that you make a choice,
And move forward.

There will be times that test your strength and endurance,
But don’t give up;
Refuse to accept defeat,
For perseverance is the key to success.
there will be times when you are hurt by love.
Forgive those who hurt you
So that your heart will be free to love again.
There will be times when you make mistakes.
Remember that mistakes are not a reflection of your self-worth,
But of your humanity.
Nor do they make you less of a person.
Because of the lessons you’ve learned,
You’ve grown and become wiser.

There will be times when your search for happiness
Leads to frustration and disappointment,
But don’t stop believing in happiness.
Being happy with yourself goes a long way toward
Knowing happiness in your life.
There will be times when life seems unfair,
But don’t allow it to make you bitter
And steal your joy.
Nothing is worth this.
When fear stands in the way of reaching out for your dreams,
Confront them and you will conquer them.

There will be times when your faith is shaken,
But don’t despair,
It will rise up and carry you above the storm and to victory….

by Nancye Simms

Source: Positive Thoughts

21 April 2012

The Moment Matters

Precious moment, help me to not waste
you by attacking the great big world,
searching for all answers, for some solutions.

Help me to not weigh you down
with a negative thought,
a thoughtless word or action.

Help me remember that how well I use you
will determine my subsequent
moments, my hours, my days.

Help me remember that you are fleeting,
rushing, soon gone into eternity and
could take my existence with you.

So help me grasp you,
relish you, savor the inner peace
you afford me.

Help me use you to begin afresh,
if no more than to take a quick glimpse
into how I might use this rare opportunity...

To convince myself that I want to
live, live, live, and possibly,
feel another glorious moment like you.

~By Glasceta Honeyghan ©1997
Associate Professor & Motivational Speaker, Florida Memorial University

Source: The Inspiration Line

20 April 2012

Promise Yourself

Promise yourself
to be so strong
that nothing can
disturb your
peace of mind.

To talk health, happiness
and prosperity
to every person you meet.

To make all your friends
feel that there is something in them.

To look at the sunny side of everything
and make your optimism come true.

To think only of the best, to work only for the best
and expect only the best.

To be enthusiastic about the success of others
as you are about your own.

To forget the mistakes of the past and press on to
greater achievements of the future.

To wear a cheerful countenance at all times
and give every living creature you meet a smile.

To give so much time to the improvement of yourself
that you have no time to criticise others.

To be too large for worry, too noble for anger,
too strong for fear and too happy
to permit the presence of trouble.

by Christian D Larson

Source: Positive Thoughts


On New Year's Eve (2010)
at set of sun,
another day.
It's course has run
the "Balance Sheet"
was steeped in Red,
"You are my debtor,"
Life now said,
"I, your debtor?",
that cannot be,
but first your books,
I would like to see."
Life took the scroll
of my Account
And staggered me
with this Amount.
"A breathless dawn, you have had each day
A brilliant sun, to light your way
A million stars hung overhead
A golden moon, your eyes has fed
The songs of birds, the running streams
The night to dream, your splendid dreams
A rendezvous in moon-drenched lanes
The cooling touch of summer rains
The open road, the meadows green
What miracles your eyes have seen
The rolling clouds were yours to view
The countless flowers still wet with dew
A clinging vine on garden wall
An April's Robin's mating call
In early spring, the Daffodils
The setting sun, against the hills
You have had the painted sky above
A full share of a mother's love
You have had a few, but loyal friends
These benefactions know, no end."
I heard these charges made,
the list was long
that life displayed
I scanned the page,
now steeped in "Red,"
and could do nothing
but bow my head and pledge,
no more would I abase,
these things that once seemed
commonplace unchanged,
the record stands today,
next year Dear Lord,
Can I repay?

Author Anon

Source: Unidentified Australian Magazine

13 April 2012


I have to live with myself and so
I want to be fit for myself to know,
I want to be able as days go by,
To look at myself straight in the eye.
I don't want to stand with the setting sun
And hate myself for the things I've done.

I don't want to hide on a closet shelf
A lot of secrets about myself,
And fool myself as I come and go
Into thinking that nobody else will know
What kind of man I really am;
I don't want to dress myself in sham.

I want to go with my head erect,
I want to deserve all men's respect
And in this struggle for fame and pelf
I want to be able to like myself.
I don't want to look at myself and know
That I am a bluster and empty show.

I cannot hide myself from me;
I can see what others can never see;
I know what others can never know,
I cannot fool myself, and so

Whatever happens, I want to be
Self-respecting and conscience free.

by Edgar A. Guest

Source: Facebook


I learned that sometimes it is easier to share my soul with the whole world
Than it is to share it with someone intimate
I learned that aspiring toward my desires takes true commitment
And, a solid belief that my goals have legitimacy
I learned that asking for understanding is sometimes impossible
But, giving understanding is not
I learned that trying to prepare others for what lies ahead,
May confuse their innocence and thwart their progress
I learned that saying no to someone else, even when they object
Can help them learn to say no in their own lives, when need be
I learned that wanting and needing are hard to separate
But the difference is of great importance
I learned that I am stronger than I thought I was
And, that I need both strength and insight to function
I learned that I will not always feel positive
But that, my down days give me perspective
I learned that patience takes self-discipline
But, its rewards are immense
I learned that laughing after making a mistake
Does not erase its valuable lesson
I learned that letting someone else’s laughter reach my heart
Is just as rewarding as saying something to make them laugh
I learned that appreciation of others, of life and of challenges
Causes each day to be full and fruitful
I learned that it is good to expect better of one’s self
But, not so good to stress over petty details
I learned that living is not one huge moment of joy
It is the travel, and the unravel — the discovery of life,
That builds foundations for joy and for loving and living

~By N.O. Tate (Reprinted with Permission)
Source: Inspiration Line