"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

26 October 2020


We use not guns, we use a hoe
We drop not bombs, but seeds we sow
We don't kill, we make things grow 
We don't pretend, we are what we show

We wage not war with our fellow mankind 
But with their affliction in body, heart and mind 
Poverty, ignorance, apathy and despair 
To destroy these things we will dare

Our heart is for the people and the earth 
We see them for what they're really worth 
Setting all the energies we have in motion 
Towards single-minded devotion 

We are a few persons in this existence
But as focused rays of light are intense 
And can burn a really big hole 
Such is the greatness of the human soul 

We are warriors for the greater good 
Yearning for a loving brotherhood 
Across the world with hearts unfurled 
We can make this real in our world 

We call upon all the people alive :
Do you just want to survive or to thrive? 
With your life you can make a difference 
One that will last ages and ages hence 

What you choose and what you say
They really matter alot 
Show us your answer to this today :
Do you want to change the world or not? 

We ask you this , our friend 
What will be your life's end? 
What will you make of your biography? 
What will you have given to humanity? 

We challenge you while you still have time 
In this short life of ours and thine 
For your own generation and the children
Make a difference... you'll thank me then

Get involved. Take a chance . Make change. 

Source: FB
September 6, 2020


Photo Credit to Karen Smeed-Verschoor
Snowfall in Bathurst NSW
June 10, 2021

By Leah C. Dancel

Days hasten towards dusk;
Cloudy skies chasing daylight.
Soon twilights settle in revealing,
What veils the mystic darkness that deem.

Snow clouds feather the air;
Wafting freezing blows of wind;
Ready to imperil the cautious days;
Icy drops pelting without mercy.

Like a lazy kite, it's movement seems
Confetti of snowflakes flying slow;
Like cotton balls from the pillows;
They dance amidst the unrelenting gales.

The blanket of dense whiteness
Fills the ground neatly trimmed;
Capping mountains, covering the hills
Spectacles of beauty; fresh and crisps.

Days are short, nights are long;
Shiver sends thrills to the bones;
Patient notes of enduring anticipation;
The journey ends as coldness reels away.

Author's Note:

I wrote this poem years ago reminiscing our Winter in Orange NSW. I took a mental note of everything that happened during snowday that occurred at daytime. We happened to live in a house on top of an elevated ground (that could be a hill way back) and I was fascinated watching from our loungeroom window  the snowflakes gracefully gliding on the air as if they were dainty Ballerinas. I was full of curiosity as it was my first time to experience winter, let alone seeing the snow until they settle down on the ground, in my whole life. ❄️❄️❄️.

Submitted August 31, 2020 to THE DIARY FILES-DX Lab STATE LIBRARY of NSW


Written in August 2006 and finished it off in September 25, 2006 when my poetic muse resumed to work after a temporary hibernation. I have had originally titled it Journey Through The Winter.