"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

13 March 2010

A Beautiful Day

I woke up early today, excited over all the things
I get to do before the day ends... 

My job is to choose what
kind of day I am going to have.

Today I can complain because the weather is rainy or ...
I can be thankful that the grass
is getting watered for free. 

Today I can grumble about my health or...
I can rejoice that I am alive. 

Today I can mourn my lack of friends or...
I can excitedly embark upon a
quest to discover new relationships. 

Today I can whine because I have to go to work or...
I can shout for joy
because I have a job to do. 

Today I can murmur dejectedly because I have to do housework or...
I can feel honored because life has provided
shelter for my mind, body and soul. 

Today stretches ahead of me, waiting to be shaped ...
And here I am, the sculptor
who gets to do the shaping. 

Today I am going to have a BEAUTIFUL DAY...
Because I am blessed with
so many gifts in my life.

~ Author Unknown ~

7 March 2010

Life Still Has Meaning

If there is a future
there is time for mending —
Time to see your troubles
coming to an ending.

Life is never hopeless
however great your sorrow —
If you're looking forward
to a new tomorrow.

If there is time for wishing,
then there is time for hoping —
When through doubt and darkness
you are blindly groping.

Though the heart be heavy
and hurt you may be feeling —
If there's time for contemplation,
there is time for healing.

So if through your window
there is a new day breaking —
Thank Heaven for the promise,
though mind and soul be aching.

If with harvest over, there
is grain enough for gleaning —
There is a new tomorrow
and life still has meaning.

~ Author Unknown

1 March 2010

River of Friendship

How do I love
The wilderness places
Where beauty exists
In great open spaces

Where in mountain valleys
Sweet water flows free
Like the river of friendship
Between you and me

May it ever bring joy
Down from hillsides above
Like cascading streams
In a water fall of love.

~G Seierstad~
February 17, 2010