"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

29 January 2022


(Dedicated to Earl Nightingale, author of “The Strangest Secret”)
By Rado Gatchalian

A wise man remembers what he already knew deep within.
The seed grows in the heart; and its fruits are manifested in the life you choose.
The mind is where you keep your treasure, and your power.
What you think is what you are.
Think happiness, and you become happy.
Think of the greatness in life, and your life will be great.
When this power is built with a grand purpose, then, life becomes a living testament of abundant blessings on Earth.
It is never too late.
Begin now, no matter how old you are.
The power is still there, as long as you breathe.
Be at peace with yourself, and your mind will be more tranquil.
Believe in your power to create an abundant life and everything that you deserve will be yours.
Abundance is an abundance of all things: including love, friendship, family, travel, purpose, passion, and meaning.
When you believe in yourself, you believe in your power.
The power is within.
The thing that matters to you, matters a lot.
Everything you desire, truly desire, Nature provides.
Believe and you shall receive.
As heaven and earth proclaim: 
You are the master of your own fate.
Do not doubt; never give up.
Be strong but always dream.
Be wise but remain like a curious child.
Be patient but be creative.
Walk on earth, with glee, but reach your hands to the clouds.
Do not neglect your dreams.
Listen to the sound of river: it’s the same echo of peace in your mind.
Climb the mountain but never forget your roots.
Return to the source and you will find your destination.
Be who you are, be truthful to your thoughts.
Open your hands to the universe, and the world will embrace you.
Open your heart to love, and love will come to you.
You are special. You are powerful.
Keep and use this power — and today and in the future you shall live a life that is so beautiful.
Be that beauty, inside and outside; but more so, within.
When your soul shines like a diamond, even the brightest stars follow your path.
Remember or find your purpose. Now.
Create a life that is both rich and humble.
Be rich but ready to serve mankind.
It is never too late.
Every morning is a new day, a new hope reborn.
Believe in this power, and you will become truly powerful.
Believe in this power, and you will never fear failure.
Be strong but be at peace with everyone, especially to yourself.
Follow your heart, and nurture your mind — and you shall live a life to the fullest.

Never surrender to failure; if you need to start all over again, let it be. 
But always remember: how you rule your mind is how you rule your life.
This power might sound like empty words
But the power rests on your will to believe.
You might be pessimistic but never ever lose the power to imagine, to create.
If you think your situation now is a failed and unhappy life: accept it but don’t surrender to it.
Rise up again. Talk to your mind again. 
Think. Think. Think.
He who thinks is the winner.
But do not overthink.
Remember your dreams.
Embrace that child within: yes, cry, but remain cheerful.
In your suffering, find meaning.
In your aches, restore your strength.
In your sadness, feel those who have nothing.
Life is a series of endless challenges
But always be guided by your power.
Be powerful. Look within.
Be at peace. Be content, and you will be rich.
Be rich, and you will have everything.
Everything is in the mind.
Blessed is he who lives, 
Blessed is he who loves.
As mind lives and loves, everything follows.
Follow your mind, and all matters follow.
Be thankful, truly grateful. 
Life is beautiful.
