"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

12 March 2022


By Leah C. Dancel


Your eyes look far away
To that horizon blue
Casting spells of sadness
Asking where life goes wrong:

Before dawn, an old soul
Arose with care; slipped out
Of bed, scarf-covered head,
Walking in solitude.

I followed her, obscured;
Waiving off fears and braved
In darkling light alone,
Trembling in shawl of cold.

Behind the old fir tree,
I watched her sitting down
On drifted freak worn out
Log washed ashore by storm.

Her countenance glum-filled
Spirit ruffled her brows.
Her heavy laden heart
At last let go, she cried

In silence. The ebb tide
Gently leaned to her side;
And tenderly listened
To her pearly teardrops'

Story of love embroiled
In complex nature of
Law; imprecated by
Ancient lords. And dawn cracked!

©Leah C. Dancel
Copyright ©March 13, 2022
All rights reserved


Teresita Sy Giok Liong - Beautiful as always

Lucy Gulle - My dearest friend is very intelligent and prolific poet.

Girlie Abbu - Beautiful poetry! You are so talented, Manang.

Mariquita Nosce Tandoc - Nice poem, Leah.  Just like you, I have delved into poetry but mostly during my younger years and not consistently like you.  The inspiration to write would just flash into my mind like electrifying streaks of lightning in the middle of the night, in the wee hours of the morning.  I have kept them all these years--lyric poems both in English and in Tagalog, some of which have been published.  I could share one with you and post it on Facebook if you are interested.  I'll make sure to tag you.πŸ€—☺️πŸ€—