"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

30 January 2024


Shared with permission from the author.

In Search of The  Dead Moment 
(Published by Delhi Post, India)

The moment of my cry!
Still springing over me
As I ran back the glaring reminiscence
A funny fly touched my eye
An amazing feeling, body quivered
And a wave of hoarse sounds of infancy
Murmured in my ear
The nature made me dumb and blind
Though I was not my own creation
Blew in its light in freedom
My cry from birth to the third year
Were but a vague memory
I rushed to find the moment
Whenever I was with my innocence
My mind recounted towards the years
And mind blows in a cool grin
Till silence prevailed
My birth to the land
The sacred gift of glory
The moment of closing eyes
It’s remained unchanged to see
As my ears were bearing echo
Keeping me on my past
Was I hurting my mother?
Oh! She was the pawn of nature
Her mind always in my eyes
And my innocent eyes playing
Beyond the world.
Tears in my eyes along with past
It stopped when I felt
Could I ever hear by my naked ears?
To make my mind as fair as blue sky
I ran my line along with moment
As free as highway in loneliness
To bring a point of my cry
To know what I didn’t hear
I should wipe out the teardrops
From my mother’s eyes
In my privilege over my past
Yet, I was living with my nature
In search of my dead moment
I shouted through my voice, forlorn
To see and feel my infancy
In my mother’s liberty
My eyes would gaze in her eyes
I would be transmitting my sound
Beseeching with a continuous echo
Staying beyond my privilege
Waiting for my dead moment

(C) Hum Ale

Very charismatic, nostalgic, poignant. A lovely reflection of youth of how much you have remembered in bringing honour in memory of your dear Mother. Its depthness (and I won't mention a tinged of regret) is one I can relate, perhaps, others too. Excellent narration, with rhythm that accentuates the whole story. Great write my Friend.


"Writing has been an awesome experience in my literary journey." ~Hum Ale

 Hum Ale is a Nepalese born writer, poet, tennis player, traveller and who works in a bank-related environment.  He's a prolific writer and a patriot known for his burning passion about his country. In spite of his status in life, he remains a humble country boy at heart that is central to most of his writings to which he is proud in showing off his idyllic village for its green beauty and tranquillity beyond description. 

His writings are dished in reflective, poignant and moving nostalgia of his  sentiments about life in general: family, youth, work, adventure, travel, environment and politics. His truths are pretty much of a two-edged sword. 

He's also a published author in many books of poetry he has written and some were published in other periodicals like the one mentioned above. 

I knew him through ILA Magazine (INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE AND ARTS), a poetry group founded by Annette Nasser of the USA.


Hum Ale; an exemplary multidimentional personality; an established international poet; who laid and crossed many remarkable milestone in his successful journey. Keep up your literery journey towards the summit of literature. Best wishes our beloved Bhanja Babu. ~Babu Ram Poudel