"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

21 April 2012

The Moment Matters

Precious moment, help me to not waste
you by attacking the great big world,
searching for all answers, for some solutions.

Help me to not weigh you down
with a negative thought,
a thoughtless word or action.

Help me remember that how well I use you
will determine my subsequent
moments, my hours, my days.

Help me remember that you are fleeting,
rushing, soon gone into eternity and
could take my existence with you.

So help me grasp you,
relish you, savor the inner peace
you afford me.

Help me use you to begin afresh,
if no more than to take a quick glimpse
into how I might use this rare opportunity...

To convince myself that I want to
live, live, live, and possibly,
feel another glorious moment like you.

~By Glasceta Honeyghan ©1997
Associate Professor & Motivational Speaker, Florida Memorial University

Source: The Inspiration Line