"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

24 September 2023

An Elegy For Mademoiselle Butterfly

By Crispulo Tappa

An Elegy For Mademoiselle Butterfly

From the tenebrous depths
of my heart
I grieve your 
dear imago
Your life was fleeting as 
fleeting was
Ineffable, though your colors
bared your soul.

Within the cocoon you were
From darkness, you escaped 
You have secured your sweet
Absolute freedom as free-
dom does.

You fleeted from flower 
to flower, 
Day-to-day you cross-
Danced in the air like a 
true ballerina
Nobody does it better, 'twas 
your birthright.

But there is one inescapable 
dark truth
That your ilk understood; 
life is a-fleeting
It will soon come to its
glorious end
Butterflies come and go
as God planned.

The colors of your wings
are too ornate
Patterns defined, yet we
can't extrapolate
Why in heaven's name
are you clothed in black
When you suddenly appear;
it portends death, alack
When your wings are
badly bruised,
It forshadows a damsel 
is in distress; A ruse?

Intrinsically, you are God's
whimsical creation
Deigned to be beautiful 
with a brevity of life
You made us understand 
that life is a-fleeting
Do what God has ordained 
us to do with our lives.

My beautiful imago;

You who have enthralled 
us with your colors
You who have taught us
to value our lives
Listen as the choir of cicadas 
sing you a farewell hymn
As the marching troop of ants 
carry you to your grave
Go now and rest your jaded 
chromatic-winged soul
Fly in your effervescense
to our Most Holy Creator.