"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

4 July 2020


Did you ever imagine how heaven will be, 

what color the sky, the land or the sea?

I wonder if maybe the sky could be gold, 

with flowers too beautiful to behold.

I picture the trees with leaves colored pink,

near waters of crystal for people to drink,

and then in my mind I can see drops of dew,

all sparkling like diamonds, with bright crystal hue.

I am envisioning some soft snow or rain,

as warmly it melts on each window pane.

The birds will be every color and hue. 

They’ll land on your shoulder to cuddle with you!

The animals, able to smile and talk,

though some wild on earth, with you tamely will walk

I feel we might also be able to fly,

above trees and flowers, as we soar through the sky.

The homes and the mansions, breathtaking in sight, 

will thrill us and give us enormous delight!

Envision the gardens and water so clear, 

that of purest crystal to us will appear!

The food will be of such delectable taste, 

that not even a morsel, we will let go to waste.

Our family and friends will all be by our side, 

as in perfect love, we will gladly abide.

God in magnificence will smile and say,

“Welcome my child to eternal day!

Come let Me embrace you and show you the place,

in heaven you’ve earned for completing the race.

Now finally as you pass, through heaven’s door,

we’ll both be together, forevermore.

The things I have shown you just cannot compare, 

with all of the others that soon I will share.

Together in paradise we’ll stroll arm and arm,

eternally safe from life’s every alarm!”

Author: Anon(?)

Source: A Poem For Every Occasion
June 8, 2020