An adventure of liberty
A pursuit of freedom
The journey of bravery
Sometimes at a Y-junction you are confused
Two destinies defined
The promising one prolonged, rough and boring
There, conformity is wisdom, enduring is strength
The rival one, fair, fast and friendly
There, a man can cut corners
The custom of that road remains
You trade what you have for what you need
‘Cos whoever knows his way out
Is the only one who scales the hurdle
And he who brings home cool cash
The same is the pride of the mother
The seed of success is thorny
And stressful to sow
Not everyone can cultivate it
Hence not all can reap its sweet fruits
Disgusting to reap are the fruits of shame
But its numerous reapers are reluctant
Desiring second chance to undo the past
Forgetting that two seasons will always be
To plant the seed, to reap the fruits
And behold, when I look
Many people desire the second road and
I look again, I see
A few feeble feet pass on the first road
It seems they are tired but they keep going
For truly the road seems far, they will soon get there
Their target is clearer than it was ab initio
And when I consider this; truly I gain a heart of wisdom
Source: FPB/Nigeria