"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

20 January 2024


21 January 2024


a golden fish,
died of unknown cause, sadly.
She lived in a Fish tank at home.
Marco was so upset.

Her mate,
old Jeremy,
feeling lonesome, was let go
into the big water to live
with all other fishes.
It's not
easy to bid
goodbye to Jenny and her
mate Jeremy, so dear to us.
It's a teary farewell.

Pets of
any kind do
give us joyful company.
They're a part of us, every  day:
Their presence is a gift.

©️ lcd
21 January 2024
Pensee Poetry 


Gold Fish Tragedy
By Leah C Dancel 
21 January 2023

When you woke up in such a discomfort and a sad news met your dreamless sleep that we lost Jenny in a tragic end, the night before. How she died, it was nobody's guess as she was looking well and good the other day. There was no noticeable sign of lethargy from both Jenny and Jeremy.  But the Lady of the House was the first to have noticed that one of the precious gold thing was floating, lifeless. It must have had been in distress for a while.

Today, the homeowners, especially Marco, the pet caretaker, decided to take Jeremy, the surviving gold fish to a new home in a waterhole in the wilderness. 

It was a kind of unspoken sadness, that created a vacuum in our hearts. We deeply feel sad, but in silence. The moment Jeremy finally has gone out of sight, the Lady of the House gave the poor thing her Last Salute.

Goodbye Jenny. Goodbye Jeremy. May you both be happy where you belong. We gonna miss you heaps.

Photos: SIMMOS BEACH, Fifth Avenue, Macquarie Fields