Happy 36th AUSTRALIA DAY 🇦🇺
To Me
On barbie plate
Chops and snags will sate
My empty guts and tummy sac
Wrapped in thick buttered bread
Toss in fried onions
Spread a barbie sauce.
Toe the line, all is free
No push, no rush
Be nice, be kind.
Smile a friendly grin
Wide and toothsome;
Greet all's g'day Mate!
Australia Day is here to stay
All skins in, nobody's care
Spread the blanket for family to sit
Beside the esky of beer and drinks
Let kids let loose
Let them run around
To chase the icecream van,
To pick a waffle, one or two
Filled with fancy flavours
All they want
Ozzie country music blaring,
And folks a dancing
While others wait for fireworks
To shoot into the air.
While bats are hov'ring
round and round
In hundred flocks,
They speck across the sky
As the sunset plume a show.
AUSTRALIA DAY to me is freedom
Of fair go, and Mateship uncompared
A country free the world envy
A country I now call HOME!
©️ Leah C Dancel
Copyright ©️ 26 January 2024
All rights reserved