October 31, 2019
Poignant ...from my prolific writer-teacher-author-farmer Friend Forever George Daniel Anos
You poke my heart!!!
Photo and text credited to that guy mentioned above.
By George Daniel Anos
The roses fell from her hands that night. And on the whole of that day there, it lay, shriveling under the onslaught of the sun, cringing from the exhaust of passing cars, withering from the assault of the pavement’s heat.
He picked it up before meeting her, for the path that leads to where they meet, is also the path to follow before separation at the crossroads.
“Why’d you left it on the ground when it fell?” he asked her, visibly hurt.
“Maybe I just want you to pick it up and give it back” she answered.
“What if instead of giving it back to you I decide to give it to someone else?”
“I know there’s a chance of that happening. You see, I already took off all the thorns. That way, she won’t get hurt the way I did.”
She smiled.
He was broken. 💔