"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

18 October 2021


Certificate of Appreciation 

Posted: The Passion of Poetry 
October 20, 2021
By Leah C. Dancel

(Australian Country Life)

I am sick. 
I miss my freedom. 
Freedom to enjoy myself in the open space. 
Freedom to travel anywhere and see places. 
Freedom to visit parks and gardens.
Freedom to breathe in the salty air of the ocean and the sea.
Freedom to walk along the beach on my bare feet. 
Freedom to feel the warmth of the sunrise to a full blown sunshine. 
Freedom to wander off 
in the vast wilderness and get lost to experience life of a rambler.
To explore the secrets of the mountains;
Go for a careless adventure 
of what's in the forest 
and beyond the caves of wonders, 
where nature hides its precious jewels. 
I miss watching the stars and the moon
in the desert,
and listening to the eerie hoots at the outback. 
I miss the joy of hiking the trail. 
I miss the bubbling sound of the brooks calling,
the languid demeanour of the lake,
the silent way of the rivers 
and the mystery of the spring. 
I miss spying the oarsmen 
paddling their boats and kayaks -
who are carefree and happy.
I miss the barren countryside -
dusty and rusty in summer,
green and lush on rainy days,
colour bright in autumn, 
wonderland at winter 
and flower-scented at springtime. 
A well-spent season all year round. 
I miss the hissing waves of grasses 
in the wild, 
the drooping curtains of heavy branches and twigs of the weeping willows by the creeks, 
the tall poplars and the pines -
laden with thickets of leaves 
all colours of life. 
I miss the skipping thuds of the wallabies and kangaroos 
frolicking in the rocky hills
chilling in their never ending  nibbling state, 
staring in curiosity  
each time I dare to get near them.  
They pause as they watch me -
unmindful of my business 
and just hop away. 
I miss the chirpy sounds of the birds 
that come and go,  
flocking in backyard trees
flitting around the branches.
I miss the twilight's glow and the sunset.
I want my freedom back. 
I hate the pesky new normal. 
Who brought  this mess upon us?

©Leah C Dancel, 
All rights reserved 
October 18, 2021
(Revised from original manuscript) 
Written on April 17, 2020 
The Year of the Rabid World Wide Ban

Photos: Mallacoota VICTORIA 
February 2020

Comments from Passion of Poetry 

"My spirit will be with you forever Mamang. My love is Eternal🙏🙏🙏💖. Do not be sad i am always here for you."
~Napoleon Torres III, October 20, 2021