"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

30 December 2024


Lifted from English Literature

A poem by Robert Frost "Acceptance" 
Robert Frost

When the spent sun throws up its rays on cloud
And goes down burning into the gulf below,
No voice in nature is heard to cry aloud
At what has happened. Birds, at least, must know
It is the change to darkness in the sky.
Murmuring something quiet in its breast,
One bird begins to close a faded eye;
Or overtaken too far from its nest,
Hurrying low above the grove, some waif
Swoops just in time to his remembered tree.
At most he thinks or twitters softly, “Safe!
Now let the night be dark for all of me.
Let the night be too dark for me to see
Into the future. Let what will be be.”

A Collection of Poems by Robert Frost 

29 November 2024


30 November 2024

(November 30, 1987)

Coffee goes with memories
Some are nice and some are not 
I keep the nice ones
I incinerated the not-so-nice ones. 

Today, I am looking back
My days as a Pharmacist 
Working in the busiest hub
In Quiapo, Metro Manila -

Thinking what would life be
Should I choose to stay 
In my homeland... which Today
Becomes a beleaguered country. 

The enemies of truth are out
In the open, no more in hiding.
The masks are taken down
To reveal the way of the clowns.


I brew coffee in that ritualistic kettle;
From a black kettle then pour into a pot.
A pot is calling the kettle black
The taste can never be justified. 


For the storms keep encircling 
Raging like monsters in the night 
The sleeping logs are stirred
They're torn apart slain and dead.


Destiny took me away from chaos 
Fate has me survived from misery 
Today, I found myself somewhere 
Holding my morning cup of coffee.

©️ Leah C Dancel 
30 November 2024
Orange 🍊 NSW

24 November 2024


Lifted from FB

I do not love you... 

I do not love you as if you were salt-rose, or topaz, 
or the arrow of carnations the fire shoots off. 
I love you as certain dark things are to be loved, 
in secret, between the shadow and the soul. 

I love you as the plant that never blooms 
but carries in itself the light of hidden flowers; 
thanks to your love a certain solid fragrance, 
risen from the earth, lives darkly in my body. 

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. 
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; 
so I love you because I know no other way than this: 
where I does not exist, nor you, 
so close that your hand on my chest is my hand, 
so close that your eyes close as I fall asleep. 

16 November 2024


17 November 2024

A plea from a brother, a father, a grandfather... for the sake of peace who hasbeen deprived from being close to his own immediate family especially his growing grandchildren.

To one who seeks harm, and wishes us gone,
May love and light, awaken your heart's tone.
Why choose destruction, over compassion's way?
Can't we address mistakes, in a brighter day?

My son's young family, with dreams so bright,
Two little girls, shining with innocence light.
What drives your anger, your heart's dark night?
Can't we forgive, and walk in love's pure light?

Confront us, let's heal, with open hearts,
Embracing morals, decency, and love's sweet starts.
Fear God's wisdom, and choose a higher path,
Let kindness guide us, through life's turbulent math.

May your heart soften, and love prevail,
Let's break the chains, of hatred's heavy gale.
Let's rise above, and find common ground,
In peace, forgiveness, and love's profound.

10 November 2024


Late upload
Written a year ago today 
11 November 2024

I am seeking that place 
Where I can see the breeze; 
Fanned by the southerly wind,
Where the sun intimately feels my skin 
That mimics my cheeky grin.
A place that can sense my inner joy,
Secretly lurking beneath my Soul 
Bereft with conflict the world is known 
But happiness the day  exudes 
Upon my countenance it shall prevail.

There I will catch my breathe 
While basking in the beauty of the sunset.

©️Leah C Dancel 
Copyright ©️ 11 November 2023
All rights reserved 

Written while in transit (train) to Cronulla, a spontaneous decision hoping to watch the sunset there but to no avail. It's my first time and apart from the sunset, I wasn't disappointed.  There's a next time to revisit the place again. 

This castle crown photo was captured as we passed through Regent Street at Redfern on our way home with my family.

9 November 2024


11 November 2024

Yes, I miss my poetry... 
but my muse is still asleep.  
The seeds of inspiration lay dormant 
Not for long I hope and pray. 
My stubborn ilk lingers on
Finding that oasis somewhere 
Looking for healing of a drying fluid obscured by vagrancy 
of knots and crosses I can't win.


Let me pause my quill aside 
Let me whisper a silent sigh 
Today, I remember the heroes 
Dead in blood for courage sake.
There in kachana Mediterranean Coast 
Their souls were laid to rest 
a hundred years and six years more!

©️ Leah C Dancel
All rights reserved 
11 November 2024


10 November 2024
Late upload 

Rapunzel's locks
Tresses in brunette 
Long to comb and braid
A climbing rope against the wall
Of  a secluded castle in sylvan's lair 
Forgotten by legends
Till a handsome Prince came  
To rescue his maiden fair 
From the wretched fairy
And took her to his kingdom. 
To be his queen forever more.

 ©️ Lola Inday 
11 November 2023
Ala mode

18 October 2024


18 October 2024


Lifted from Eng. Lit.
18 October 2024

Come live with me and be my love,
And we will all the pleasures prove,
That Valleys, groves, hills, and fields,
Woods, or steepy mountain yields.

And we will sit upon the Rocks,
Seeing the Shepherds feed their flocks,
By shallow Rivers to whose falls
Melodious birds sing Madrigals.

And I will make thee beds of Roses
And a thousand fragrant posies,
A cap of flowers, and a kirtle
Embroidered all with leaves of Myrtle;

A gown made of the finest wool
Which from our pretty Lambs we pull;
Fair lined slippers for the cold,
With buckles of the purest gold;

A belt of straw and Ivy buds,
With Coral clasps and Amber studs:
And if these pleasures may thee move,
Come live with me, and be my love.

The Shepherds’ Swains shall dance and sing
For thy delight each May-morning:
If these delights thy mind may move,
Then live with me, and be my love.

By Christopher Marlowe, 
The Passionate Shepherd to His Love

7 October 2024


08 October 2024

5 October 2024


Lifted from English Literature Info

“I love the silent hour of night,
For blissful dreams may then arise,
Revealing to my charmed sight
What may not bless my waking eyes.”
Anne Brontë - Best Poems of the Brontë Sisters.

Anna Billing

1 October 2024


“I loved autumn, the one season of the year that God seemed to have put there just for the beauty of it.” ~Lee Maynard


Midday draped the heart of silver crisps
Beckons far from the horizon 
I draw a joy of radiances in the fluffy clouds 
Seasoned happiness transcends 
When I illuminate a canvas of jubilant expression 
I embrace a dream of amber hues 
Meticulously, it grows to the Northern Sky
A flurry of zephyrs arrives with Autumn aura 
Traversing through a century of kisses 
That’s when a ripple reverberates on my body 
Riding over the moment 
With an abundance of joys

(C) Hum Ale 

PC: Google

"Enriched by a vocabulary, a flurry of descriptive autumn beauty that buoys the imagination of both the writer and the readers' spirit, this certainly is a place to go to." ~Admin. 

25 September 2024


Posted at FB a year ago today
23 September 2023

Where the Mind is Without Fear
@Rabindranath Tagore 

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high;
Where knowledge is free;
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls;
Where words come out from the depth of truth;
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection:
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit;
Where the mind is lead forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action–
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.

Photo by Rado Gatchalian at Macquarie University,  Sydney visiting Rabindranath Tagore place of Silence.

22 September 2024


By Leah C Dancel 


Homefulness imbued peace
Serenity in place 
Alone and nonchalant 
Of vagaries at large.
Home defines me
Love and gratitude exist.

©️ Leah C Dancel 
23 September 2024

14 September 2024


By Estelle Cortes

Today would have been your 93rd mortal birthday Tatay Medes. The last strong grip of your hand before you closed your eyes forever. You are one with the Force now. Hasta pronto Papa. Te echo de menos. 💔. Here's a poem I wrote for you which is now a part of my published poems. I regret that you did not get to read my book. You who loved books so much. I wish.... If only....
(My father passed away 3 years ago. Today I am honouring him for what would have been his 93rd bday)


I have to wrap my mind around
The emptiness between us now.
Empty chairs, empty bed
In an empty house
Near an empty river bed.

Empty spaces in between
Empty words.
Empty laughters devoid of joy,
Empty eyes that once 
Housed a brilliant mind.

Then like a ray of sunshine,
In your world of gloom,
A moment of lucidity,
Perhaps a precursor of doom?

A smile of understanding,
A worried frown
A lingering concern
For one you love so much.

How fragile the mind is,
How often hope is lost, 
How often does the bell toll,
And for whom?

October 16, 2019


14 September 2024

9 September 2024


Lifted from Bring Side Page

Today I woke and found myself
With less than yesterday
My life was missing things
I had assumed were here to stay

Things that had seemed little
‘Til they left a giant space,
Left an empty silence
And a longing in their place

And I began to understand
That when push came to shove
I longed for what I’d had
When I’d thought that was not enough

I’d always looked ahead
Was always chasing more and more
Growing so complacent
Of the things I once wished for

Running to tomorrow,
To the weekend, to next year
Forgetting I was lucky
For the things already here

And all this made me realise
That my life can’t buy more time
So maybe I should spend my time
Loving this life of mine

And maybe I’ll be grateful
For the little things I’ve got
That seem inconsequential
But which mean an awful lot

So, tonight I’ll thank the stars
Instead of asking them for more
And I will hope to wake with all
The things I’ve thanked them for

‘Cause now I see that my todays
Are filled with time I’ve borrowed
And I shouldn’t sit around and waste them
Chasing my tomorrows


Credit Goes To : Becky Hemsley 2023
Gorgeous artwork by Kristina von Wiesen Art

8 September 2024


By Don Luman-ag

By Don Luman-ag

Though life is not perfect
It is in itself beautiful 
Even with all its flaws
It is nonetheless wonderful

There is beauty and wonder 
In both the great and the small
Life is sacred by nature
Even after man's fall

The proverbial Breath of Life
Money can't recreate
The rights of every being
Must be treated with respect

Each will answer to The Maker
On the day of reckoning 
All your loots and hoards
To the other side you cannot bring

©️ Don Luman-ag
All rights reserved.
September 9, 2024
Samal Island, Philippines


4 September 2024


05 September 2024
Author: Jeffrey Cejero

Doble kuatro ngayong singko

I Am the Sculpture
by Jepoy

Carrrying a heavy load
As if the Earth is on my back,
Never shall I drop my knees
And bow to adversity.

I will make every struggle an opportunity
To build a better future.
I will make every pain,
A catalyst to improve myself.

Just like a workout in the gym,
The more I defeat my weakness
And surpass my previous record,
The more I improve myself.

On this double four as my age,
I've realized I'm the sculpture of my life.
I can carve my dreams and future
Into tangible existence of truth and reality.

13 August 2024


By Rado Gatchalian
13 August 2024

By Rado Gatchalian
13 August 2024

Here I am praying, at my own free choice, so that the people will know that I do not follow blindly. Hear me for my cause, not that I will be saved, but for me to be free. Free from fear, free from ignorance. 

I call upon all the masters, past and present, for them to graciously bless me with strength that I need, for me to endure all the challenges in life; wisdom, so that I will know the difference between right and wrong; and beauty, so that I will be able to enjoy this gift of life.

I pray that I may not only see the light but to be able to endure its duty to pass on the torch to deserving seekers of truth and humble servants of humanity. Allow me, my Dearest One, The Source, to shine beautifully both in my heart and my outer body. But as I shine like the morning sunrise, may I always remember to remain gentle and humble like the sunset. Then, to remain vigilant, curious, and passionate as I need to start life again in the next morning.

I beseech all my brothers to witness this moment of gratitude as I celebrate this opportunity to serve mankind.

I shall never turn blind eye to all wrongdoings. To promise to always give aid to those who are in need. To surrender to the will of the Order and to submit to a Grand Purpose, higher than all earthly religions and sects. 

But here I am now, a humble servant, silently waiting to listen to the Voice, so deep, flourishing, and powerful. I am waiting. Help me to know how to listen well.

And I pray that I remain vigilant against tyrannical noise and poisonous whispers of false prophets and masters who claim they hold the Truth. 

I pray that I will be given a power, so powerful, that I can be an instrument of peace and a messenger of love and knowledge. 

I pray that in my weakness, I find strength; in my greatness, I find humility; in my agony, I find joy; in my darkness, I find light; and in my ignorance, I find the truth.

Enlighten me, my Gracious One. And in the hour of my death, may I rest in peace and forever be with you - in total surrender to your will, to your compassion.


22 July 2024


JULY 22, 2024

When you are old and grey and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;
How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;
And bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.

William Butler Yeats

Interesting Comment 
"Yeats fell in love with Maud Gonne, considered to be one of the most beautiful women in all Ireland, and a revolutionary. He asked her to marry him but she chose instead to marry a fellow freedom fighter John MacBride who beat her and later was executed in the Easter Rebellion. He wrote this poem to her." ~Daniel Callaghan 

Source: Eng. Lit. Info 

20 July 2024


July 18, 2024

A sullen day, 
Antarctic wind, 
Chilly and freezing 
Numb my moments.
Drizzling icy drops 
No sleets pelting 
Not a flake floating
Snow drifts somewhere. .
18 July 2024


July 20, 2024
Orange 🍊 NSW 

By Leah C Dancel 
Copyright ©️ July 20, 2024
All rights reserved. 

The sun came shining 
at temporary moment.
Freezing cold unquelled.

Leah's #Haiku1
July 20, 2024

Clouds take flight higher
Away from the ground of mist
Covering the sun.

Leah's #Haiku2
July 20, 2024

Tiny drops pelting
On a paddled rippling song
Reflection moving.

Leah's #Haiku3
July 20, 2024

A downcast shadow
Beneath the sky; endless woes
Drifting through the gloom.

Leah's #Haiku4
July 20, 2024

Tender limbs swinging
Unseen wind twinning with rain 
Green leaves sheltered shades.

Leah's #Haiku5
July 20, 2024

Beautiful, rousing;
Heart-warming and passionate 
Ardent flames of love. 

Leah's #Haiku6
July 20, 2024

13 July 2024


By Don Luman-ag

A cozy home 
In ethereal mists
On a rolling grassland
Amidst lush greeneries
The scent of pine trees
Cool mountain breeze
Believe it or not
This place exists
Not far from here
There it awaits
A heavenly place
Of celestial peace
No hustle and bustle 
Of the city life
Away from stress
My haven of rest

©️ Don Luman-ag
All rights reserved.
July 13, 2024
Samal Island, Philippines

3 July 2024


Lifted from MBF
4 July 2024


You are suddenly living in a whole new world.
You are no longer ‘the child’ and regardless of how long you have officially been ‘grown up’ for, you realise you actually never were until this moment. The shock of this adjustment will shake your very core.

When you have finally said goodbye to both your parents, assuming you were lucky enough to have had two. You are an orphan on this earth and that never, ever gets easier to take no matter how old and grey you are yourself and no matter how many children of your own you have.

You see, a part of your body is physically connected to the people that made it and also a part of your soul. When they no longer live, it is as if you are missing something practical that you need – like a finger or an arm. Because really, you are. You are missing your parent and that is something far more necessary than any limb.

And yet the connection is so strong it carries on somehow, no-one knows how exactly. But they are there. In some way, shape or form they are still guiding you if you listen closely enough. You can hear the words they would choose to say to you.

You can feel the warmth of their approval, their smile when a goal is achieved, their all-consuming love filling the air around you when a baby is born they haven’t met.

If you watch your children very closely you will see that they too have a connection with your parents long after they are gone. They will say things that resonate with you because it brings so many memories of the parent you are missing. They will carry on traits, thoughts and sometimes they will even see them in their dreams.

This is not something we can explain.
Love is a very mystical and wondrous entity.

It is far better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all and grief, grief is the price of that love. The deeper the love the stronger the grief.

When you say goodbye to a parent, do not forget to connect with that little girl who still lives inside you somewhere.
Take very good care of her, for she, she will be alone and scared.

When you say goodbye to your parents, you lose an identity, a place in the world. When the people who put you on this earth are no longer here, it changes everything.

Look after yourself the way they looked after you and listen out for them when you need it the most.
They never really leave.~

~Donna Ashworth


By Don Luman-ag

By Don Luman-ag 

I'm gonna live in the outbacks
Where I can sit back and relax
Watching the sea of clouds roll
As cool mists freshen my soul 

Coniferous forests -- all around
Negative ions in the air abound
Here, my self, I wanna be found
My spirit's free, no longer bound 

No more drama, just nature trip
Steamy shower, skinny-pool-dip
Lovely environs, sweet solitude
Living a blessed life of gratitude 

As I conjure up heaven on Earth
I am filled, with peace and mirth
I'm getting closer to my dreams
Much closer than you ever think 

©️ Don Luman-ag
All rights reserved.
July 3, 2024
Samal Island, Philippines 🇵🇭

2 July 2024


By Khalil Gibran

It is said that before entering the sea
a river trembles with fear.
She looks back at the path she has traveled,
from the peaks of the mountains,
the long winding road crossing forests and villages.
And in front of her,
she sees an ocean so vast,
that to enter
there seems nothing more than to disappear forever.
But there is no other way.
The river can not go back.
Nobody can go back.
To go back is impossible in existence.
The river needs to take the risk
of entering the ocean
because only then will fear disappear,
because that’s where the river will know
it’s not about disappearing into the ocean,
but of becoming the ocean.

~Khalil Gibran

27 June 2024


Lifted from English Literature Info
27 June 2024

We must be willing to get rid of
the life we've planned, so as to have
the life that is waiting for us.
The old skin has to be shed
before the new one can come.
If we fix on the old, we get stuck.
When we hang onto any form,
we are in danger of putrefaction.
Hell is life drying up.
The Hoarder,
the one in us that wants to keep,
to hold on, must be killed.
If we are hanging onto the form now,
we’re not going to have the form next.
You can’t make an omelet 
without breaking eggs.
Destruction before creation. 

~Joseph Campbell, Reflections on the Art of Living

16 June 2024


15 June 2024

A birthday dedication to our Dear Carol


Pink roses to the Lady of England:
Her royal blood runs not in her veins, 
But in her heart for fortitude and strength. 
Her loving kindness and caring ways 
Is her landmark for humanity.
Her loyalty is uncompromising and non-neglible -
Too huge to overlook.

Pink roses for a Mother, whose 
Unwavering and unbending soul -
To the call of service for those whom 
She loves; without bias, without prejudice. 
A Mother who made her presence known
Anywhere, anytime wherever you are:
"I'm here, if you need me Dear".

Pink roses to a dear Friend, who
For years has been my anchor. 
In friendship, she upholds me -
More than her flesh and blood;
More than a sister and a mother to my children. 
A Friend whom she never met
Until the day we'd finally embraced. 

All your goodness are not forgotten 
They may not have been expressed 
With eloquence, but, in the depth of my heart 
You will stay the person you are,
The Carol we knew through fate 
Whom God has blessed us through the 

©️ Leah C Dancel 
15 June 2024
All rights reserved 
Orange NSW 

Many happy returns of the day!

Love, hugs and kisses
Leah, Lily and Noemi

15 June 2024


15 June 2023

He stands tall beside his own shadow.
Lost in thought, feeling wrought.
This world is full of vagaries
Where justice is only served to those who gained favour by strong connection.

A morsel denied to this poor little guy
As food for the gods are offered to the heathens
But then he refused to take what's not his
He waited alone in the cold, this winter day.

©Leah C Dancel
Copyright ©️ 15 June 2023
All rights reserved 

14 June 2024


A fellow Poet at ILA, one of the most respected Admin Staff.

Lifted from the post of Annette Nasser 
14 June 2024

This passage Steve posted on his timeline, I believe shortly before he passed away.

By Steve Lyman

Rain has finally stopped - I don't mean the weather - I'm talking about the showers of life - those dark cloudy days - The ones that drag you down - stopping you from moving on with everyday things - It's about time - You may hear me say - Well, in my opinion, this is how it feels - how it seems to motivate - but also cause us to deflate - There is so much that we go through in life - A time for this - A time for that - Good things - Bad things - Happy or sad things - all connected with time - So what happens if you take time out of the equation - Does it help improve your situation - Will it help you heal quickly - They say it will get better in time - Do they mean their time - or your time - You can never tell how long your time actually is - Putting a time on those dark times - when every minute feels like an hour - everyday seems to last forever - is that their time too - Somehow I think not - So, let's take today for ourselves - Let's use our time - Use the time of today in a constructive manner - make those minutes count - Do something that lifts your spirit - you know, with the power of positive thinking - You will be a lot nearer to their time - but you must own it - Take it for yourself - so, in your own time - you will actually heal - at your own pace - in your own mind space - that's taking time out of the equation.


By Paul Guerin

This is a new poem just drafted, called "Reflections". 

I’m on a narrow winding way
I search but cannot see the end
So I reflect upon my day
And matters that I need to mend

I struggle down the narrow way
Recalling old forgotten dreams
Wishing for a brand-new day
When reality is all it seems

My mind runs over hills and dales
I think of times long past
Some happy days and some sad tales
Romantic dreams that couldn’t last

My mind drifts on to valleys green
With tall dark mountains looking down
White beauty of a winter scene
That lifts my thoughts so I won’t drown

I wonder where this road will end
Is the destination getting near
Does solace wait around the bend
Will there be hope and quiet here

As the narrow road winds on along 
I vacillate from hope to fear
If past mistakes have made me strong
Perhaps I can walk out of here.

13 June 2024


13 June 2024


Inching t'wards the real thing. 
Call it winter chill or winter freeze;
Freon thickens on the ground. 

There's fire by day and night
Chunky woods by the fireside
For slow combustion overnight.

Warm home, warm heart
Where love and peace reside 
Winter stills the world at large.

©️ Leah C Dancel 
13 June 2024
All rights reserved 
Orange 🍊 NSW 

11 June 2024


11 June 2024

Post by permission from the author, name Gav Smith of Victoria.

 Created in the poets mind,
a mel-o-dy inspired he,
what was about that stirred him most?,
a way to think, deliciously, 
that took away the usual aim,
creating prose or verse recite,
it really chose to bother him,
what put he down, did surely write.

I do not like all music, no
with some it seems to come from hell, 
to cause the brain to vegetate, 
and from a lofty height it fell,
but some, dear God, angelic be,
I presuppose a wondrous sign,
so musical and voices praise,
and with my brain it does align.

In colours too, what can be done?,
a painting that shall lead the way,
so etched upon your mem-o-ry ,
The water, flowers, they say Monet,
you look and gaze, so much aroused,
you learn to say most truthfully, 
this simpleton, a man called gav, 
a wondrous sight is shown to he.

I long to learn to think like this, 
I do not mind, so differently,
and draw from all that one may see,
but try to cope, how shall that be?,
and place my books, of poetry, 
a thrill indeed,  so marvellously,
and future means to dwell indeed, 
Of writings pure, may this succeed.

Copyright ©️ Gav Smith 
Founder of SOUPEE'S


I came across a FACEBOOK Page called THE SOUPEES. 

7 June 2024


07 June 2024
by Toshikazu Kawaguchi

Don't leave anything for later.
Later, the coffee gets cold.
Later, you lose interest.
Later, the day turns into night.
Later, people grow up.
Later, people grow old.
Later, life goes by.
Later, you regret not doing something...
When you had the chance. 

Life is a fleeting dance, a delicate balance of moments that unfold before us, never to return in quite the same way again.
Regret is a bitter pill to swallow, a weight that bears down upon the soul with the burden of missed chances and unspoken words.
So, let us not leave anything for later. Let us seize the moments as they come, with hearts open and arms outstretched to embrace the possibilities that lie before us. For in the end, it is not the things we did that we regret, but the things we left undone, the words left unspoken, the dreams left unfulfilled.

   — Before the Coffee Gets Cold is a 2015 novel by Toshikazu Kawaguchi

Source: English Literature info 

27 May 2024

UNTITLED by Estelle Cortes

28 May 2024

I want to live simply. I just want to plant and grow my trees, frolic with the birds and butterflies in the fields, hug my fur babies, and watch my son become a man. I want not to be governed by money or clocks or any artificial restraints that humanity imposes on itself. I just want to be- boundless and infinite.

I shall rest one day soon,
Where the wild things are,
Among my beloved trees,
Hidden in the field of wild dandelions
My weary bones shall lay,
With the sky above me,
And the valleys sing my song,
The mountain ranges 
Shall stand guard over my grave,
The Sun will celebrate the life I lived,
And Luna will mourn for me at night.
Even when no one cares to remember,
Bury my bones where the wild things are.

©️Estelle Cortes Pimentel
All Rights Reserved

26 May 2024


27 May 2024

16 May 2024


Lifted from Rado Gatchalian 

By Rado Gatchalian 

The revolution of the mind:
evolving like a little piece of chalk
which serves no purpose —
and all those dust become remnants
of consumed effort,
days and nights of attempts
to change the world.

But to what end?
How would logic
become a mentor of fortitude —
when it won’t be able to supply 
the last amount of oxygen you need?

But shall you just oblige to faith
and surrender to a cause or purpose
you can’t even fathom?

You read the books — and want to find
answers to all your questions;
but endless nights of erudition
can still not satisfy the hunger of your mind:
the more you know, the more you give up.

Then, you try to quiet your mind,
silence covers your whole being,
you walk in the forest:
count the flowers, leaves, and rocks,
the trees, and those beautiful stars;
then you stop counting —
because the more you count,
the more you give up.

Then, you surrender to peace
which is called by many names:

Here: you stop counting
but you become part of those beautiful stars.

Because you are.

You become what you are 
when you let what is in you shine:
not because you know more
but because you believe.

11 May 2024


12 May 2024

To Lily, Noemi 

Mum's the word
With arms that measure love
From east to west and north to south.
They encircle you with warm embrace. 

Mum's the word
Whose mind thinks deep
Where thoughts of you dwell-in
Wond'ring about your safety and well-being.

Mum's the word
With heart as tender as a bud
Yet strong and firm in discipline 
Encompassing peace and joy.

Mum's the word
With lips that encourage 
When you're down and broken 
Her kind words heal your wounds.

Mum is the anchor of your life
When the foundation turned asunder
Enshrine her with love and affection  
For her faith in you is beyond limits. 

©️ Leah C Dancel 
Copyright ©️ 12 May 2024
All rights reserved 





Choose any one of this week's (WOW) Vocabulary Words:
(PERT, DIGRESS, PERUSAL or BON MOT) and apply it to your poem. Here is the twist. You must find as many words as you can within the WOW you choose and apply all your found words into your poem. You may write up to 12 lines but NO MORE THAN 12. You may choose to rhyme if you so desire though it is not required. If you are not sure what the definitions are for each word, please look it up on this week's post. If you get stuck in trying to find words within the WOW, there are two great sites if you search on Google, like Word Maker or All Scrabble. 
BEGINS TODAY (June 28, 2023) and ENDS SUNDAY, (July 2, 2023).

Looking forward in reading your great work!


Her charismatic beauty compelled me to WEND my perspective 
fashion trends that DIGRESSED in recent years, away from conservative style of dressing. 
I am
firm and STOLID by not conforming to the whims of women in society.
I frowned 
upon their glitterati temperament of endless demand in emulating the Hollywood
Who snubbed 
their mediocrity in fashion sense which to me is rather a

©️ Leah C Dancel 
Copyright ©️ 25 December 2023
All rights reserved 

ILA MAGAZINE - WOW Poetry Challenge:

The "WALTMARIE" - a two-in-one poem invented by Candice Kubinec.
It is a ten-lined poetic form
ODD LINES have NO SPECIFIC SYLLABIC COUNT, which means, the poet can write in as many syllables as he/she desires
EVEN LINES are written in 2 SYLLABLES, only.
The even lines create a "mini-poem" if read apart.
There are no rules for rhyme or subject - the option is left for the poet to choose whether to rhyme or not
The poem is usually titled but this is left for the poet to choose.
ODD LINES: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9
EVEN LINES: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10
EXAMPLE OF MY POEM (I only used one of the wows yet poets must use ALL 4).

Should I digress on something I least desire
I utter with myopic stance which I may be intolerant of
or more
Expressing proverbial logic in a cloud of words that fog
in time
traversing through a squall of reasons and of rhyme
My brain
unshackling new strength I have inside me now
feels free.
Annette Nasser
THIS IS A WOW CHALLENGE, so you MUST TRY TO APPLY all 4 words: (DIGRESS, STOLID, SELCOUTH, WEND), to be considered as a “BEST ENTRY”, which I will choose (several), shortly after this challenge ends. 
BEGINS NOW (12-14-23)
ENDS TUESDAY (12-19-23)
If anyone needs guidance, please do message me.




is emptiness.
No one can do anything
Under any circumstances
For nothing is but void.
©️ Leah C Dancel
20 January 2024


ILA MAGAZINE PROMPT - This is NOT a WOW Challenge.
PENSEE Poetry Challenge!
PENSEE Poetry Form is a 5-Lined Syllabic poem - no rhyming or meter required unless you desire to write in rhyme.

LINE 1 is the SUBJECT and written in 2 Syllables.
LINE 2 is the DESCRIPTION and written in 4 Syllables.
LINE 3 is the ACTION and written in 7 Syllables.
LINE 4 is the SETTING and written in 8 Syllables.
LINE 5 is the FINAL THOUGHT and written in 6 Syllables.

10 May 2024


By Margaret Mead

“To the living, I am gone,
To the sorrowful, I will never return,
To the angry, I was cheated,
But to the happy, I am at peace,
And to the faithful, I have never left.

I cannot speak, but I can listen.
I cannot be seen, but I can be heard.
So as you stand upon a shore gazing at a beautiful sea,
As you look upon a flower and admire its simplicity,
Remember me.

Remember me in your heart:
Your thoughts, and your memories,
Of the times we loved,
The times we cried,
The times we fought,
The times we laughed.
For if you always think of me, 
I will never have gone.”

Source: American Literature 

8 May 2024


By Emily Dickinson

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chillest land,
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.

By Emily Dickinson


It is said that before entering the sea
a river trembles with fear.

She looks back at the path she has traveled,
from the peaks of the mountains,
the long winding road crossing forests and villages.

And in front of her,
she sees an ocean so vast,
that to enter
there seems nothing more than to disappear forever.

But there is no other way.
The river can not go back.

Nobody can go back.
To go back is impossible in existence.

The river needs to take the risk
of entering the ocean
because only then will fear disappear,
because that’s where the river will know
it’s not about disappearing into the ocean,
but of becoming the ocean.

~ Khalil Gibran

4 May 2024


By Jeffrey Cejero

My Humble Light

Grains of sand continue to drop
As the waves of seasons ebb and flow.
A tiny me started to pulsate
Until I have my flickering light.

The great sun shows its might
Illuminating the sky with its full bright
Where day is born, glowing like divine,
Leaving no place for me to shine.

Night time comes
And silvery moon hung up in the sky.
Only those powerful gems could still shine
Unlike me whose glow, like fainting fireflies.

Then storm came bringing chill to everyone
Where sky is covered by thick black clouds,
Where the moon has finally set
Bathing in the cold waters of disputed west.

The night was flooded by tears
Till the clouds emptied its burdening load.
The sky finally gave way for everyone to shine
And found myself shining with my humble light.

28 April 2024


by Leah C Dancel
29 April 2024

Part 1


I desire your warmth 
Stay longer to kiss me more
My face is cold 
And my soul is still 
Longing to be soothed 
By your ardent embrace.

Part 2
A Sequel


Last time when you kissed me
I was down the ledge of the ocean.
It was cold and I was shivering.
You came to me and gently
draped around my shoulders 
A shawl of your warm embrace:
The tenderness of that unforgettable 
moment will be a memory. 


Here you've found me at my highest peak
Where none could follow to ruffle
my peace.
Though the mist blanket my unmolten pinnacle 
Your shining ardour brightens my sombre world.

Words Copyright ©️ 
Leah C Dancel 
30 April 2024
All rights reserved 
Orange 🍊 NSW 

Created and Written  
Marsden Place 
Orange 🍊 NSW 

Photos credit to the owners 
Source: National Geographic