Christmas Reflection 7
I dared not, as most men
do, loudly weep
Or stood by your bier
and take a peep
Neither mumbled a sorrow-
ful goodbye
Nor offered wreaths that
wilt and dry.
I did what is oft'n not
done, in private
Grieve your death, my
best friend, great
Your passing on to the
next life, I celebrate
The joys and triumphs
that we all partake.
I will not write an elegy
of your great story
But sing a joyful song of
your eternal victory
Over death; death of man,
we shouldn't mourn,
Death is just a beginning
of his next sojourn.
No long sad marches to
bury your remains
For there in my heart your
memory remains
A parting between friends,
my joyful de jour
A sweet sorrow, only best
friends can savour.
When time comes for me
to be in the eternal garden
Of love, joy, and peace;
God's ethereal realm
Forever and ever, we shall
be best friends again.
*A Lament to honor my dear friend/s
who have passed on to the next life.