36 years going forward
Shedding skin; and, belting out
A hymn that makes us one:
To Advance Australia Fair!
Living life the Australian way
Weet bix, barbecue and meat pies
Falling leaves, snow, hay fever and summer flies.
A terrain of cultures blend in migrant's day.
What more can beat the country fetes?
Football and cricket unite them all.
Albeit all sports create legends of old
Work hard and play hard mould them fit.
ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day
Are days revered in solemn faith.
While New Year's Day and Australia Day
Firecrackers and fireworks are at play.
Go Mate! Chase the bloke, but
Don't mess up with Sheila
Or she'll knock you down
A tough cookie she is
When she yells enough!
"Look after this land Mate", as you do
With the ocean and sea; mountains and plains ...
For nature has a way to get back to you.
Let's keep it green, let's keep it clean.
There's more to 36 years of learning
From living life the Australian way
Whatever comes to mind
"Keep It to yourself", they say!
Let's not forget to pay respect
To the elders of the Bushland.
Their spirits mind your foot,
Loose or lost in your wanderings.
Beg yours, what's up, how ya goin?
Get out of the way and join the queue;
©️ Leah C Dancel
6 December 2023