"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

31 March 2023


By Leah C Dancel

(A 13th birthday tribute to Selima)

No longer an infant
Wrapped in swaddling clothes.
No longer a baby
Pampered and smothered.
No longer a little doll
Who blinks and cries;
Who dances to music
And amuses the olds;
But, a growing child.
On that day your little feet
Boldly planted those tiny first steps;
I was glad to see them first
When you suddenly rose in volition
Acting like a man on the moon,
Who took one leap for mankind!
Along came the time
When letters of alphabets
Were uttered in your babe's mouth:
Da-da-da was uttered first,
Then Ma-ma-ma followed suit.
From there, I heard
Blubbers and chatters
Of a chirping bird on the tree.
I remember the confidence
As you go up and down the stairs,
fearless and carefree!
And like a kite in the sky
You almost fly to the highest
as you jump, as you romp
On the bed and on the couch,
As if they're mighty trampolines!
I also remember
Those trying moments
Your kind of trait
Fitted in your blood
Since childbirth.
Fretting treats from you
That I'd never seen acted out
By your Mum and your Aunt
When they're on the same age
as you at that stage.
Crying times of pain and discomfort
Were niggling thoughts, too distraught
For me to contain, that cut 
through  my heart
As I saw you endure
Your infantile agony.
Yet, your little spirit bravely
Displayed resilience and strength.
I've seen days of family excursions,
Outings and picnics
And having fun out in the sun:
In the playfield kicking balls,
Sliding down on the playground,
Playing hide and seek
Instead of Peek-a-Boo;
The beach and the pool,
The fine sand and the beach ball.
I've seen your mountain climbing skill 
And going down the slippery dip 
on tall and rough dry grasses.

Well how quick you've grown!
What is four years anyway?
As time swiftly flies,
And here you are - at thirteen!
Almost a grown up lady, but,
A sweet, refine young lady.
Still your Dad's Apple in his eyes
And Mum's wealth of pride
Marco's most cherished big sister 
Lola's adored angel in her life.
Our family's source of joy.

Happy Birthday Selima πŸŽΆπŸŽ‚πŸŽ❤️

© Leah C Dancel
Copyright © 12 April 2023
All rights reserved

I started writing this in January 31-1 February 2014 intermittently 
Finished at 1 April 2023