The Ladies
You are so Special and so heart-warming,
so kind, loving and graceful, each and everyone of you. 💖
You nurture the future selflessly,
You ensure our species' immortality,
Nothing makes you happier than seeing those you love, happy. 😊🙏
Dignity comes naturally to you like love is drawn to children.
Your eyes are so compassionate and loving and your voice is so soft,
like an exhilarating breeze on a beautiful day.
From you emanates life and love and hope and so we look at you with awe and joy,
and adore, cherish, worship and protect you as much as we can.
God bless you all,
The gentle women we know.
How fortunate has the planet been since the All Mighty blessed us with you. 💖
Deena Padayachee
Source: Facebook
September 4, 2022