I want to live simply. I just want to plant and grow my trees, frolic with the birds and butterflies in the fields, hug my fur babies, and watch my son become a man. I want not to be governed by money or clocks or any artificial restraints that humanity imposes on itself. I just want to be- boundless and infinite.
I shall rest one day soon,
Where the wild things are,
Among my beloved trees,
Hidden in the field of wild dandelions
My weary bones shall lay,
With the sky above me,
And the valleys sing my song,
The mountain ranges
Shall stand guard over my grave,
The Sun will celebrate the life I lived,
And Luna will mourn for me at night.
Even when no one cares to remember,
Bury my bones where the wild things are.
©️Estelle Cortes Pimentel
All Rights Reserved