The call of duty beckons one
To join the army of nations,
The trumpets of war have blared,
Hurried goodbyes are made,
Race to a war not their own,
The enemy lines are drawn.
The enemy's lair determined,
Rockets laid and positioned,
Humans are cannoned,
Buried under ruins, dead
Songs of sorrow, overheard
War-shocked, living-dead.
Sing the songs of sorrow
Of orphans and widows,
No tears, dried up by fears,
Rebuild their lives in years,
Songs of sorrow, no refrains,
Rubble of dreams remains.
Trumpets sorrowfully blared,
Dead soldiers honored and laid,
Wrapped in their nations' flag,
Mothers will miss their hugs,
The folly of senseless wars,
Awards are medals and stars.
Songs of sorrow fill the air
To remind men to play fair,
War is the last instrument
For men to settle any argument
Over resources of the earth,
Domains, humankind's hearth.
Crispulo Tappa
All rights reserved.
26 November 2023
CTTO: Photo