"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

25 November 2023


Shared by Nestor Punzalan Crisostomo:

A poem by Prof Anne Lee Tzu Pheng (Singapore Cultural Medallion winner). She was formerly in the English Literature Dept in NUS. This is a powerful poem on human friendship and loving one another.

Sip your Tea
Nice and Slow
No one Ever knows
when it’s Time to Go,
There’ll be no Time
to enjoy the Glow,
So sip your Tea
Nice and Slow.

Life is too Short but
feels pretty Long,
There’s too Much to do, 
so much going Wrong,
And Most of the Time 
You Struggle to be Strong,
Before it’s too Late
and it’s time to Go,
Sip your Tea
Nice and Slow.

Some Friends stay,
others Go away,
Loved ones are Cherished 
but not all will Stay.
Kids will Grow up
and Fly away.
There’s really no Saying 
how Things will Go,
So sip your Tea
Nice and Slow.

In the End it’s really
all about understanding 
For this World  
and in the Stars above,
Appreciate and Value 
who truly Cares,
Smile and Breathe
and let your Worries go,
So Just Sip your Tea
Nice and Slow."

When I'm dead.
Your tears will flow
But I won't know
Cry with me now instead.

You will send flowers, 
But I won't see
Send them now instead

You'll say words of praise 
But I won't hear.
Praise me now instead

You'll forget my faults,
But I won't know.....
Forget them now instead.

You'll miss me then,
But I won't feel.
Miss me now, instead.

You'll wish You could have spent more time with me,
Spend it now instead

When you hear I'm gone, you'll find your way to my house to pay condolence but we haven't even spoken in years.
Look for me now. 
*"Spend time with every person around you, and help them with whatever you have to make them happy, your families, friends and acquaintances.*

*Make them feel Special because you never know when time will take them away from you forever.*

Alone I can 'Say' but together we can 'Talk'.
Alone I can 'Enjoy' but together we can 'Celebrate'  
Alone I can 'Smile' but together we can 'Laugh'

That's the BEAUTY of Human Relations. 
We are nothing without each other 
So Stay Connected!


Brief review:

"Composed by the Singaporean poet Anne Lee Tzu Pheng, this remarkable poem dwells on the nature of time and the relationship humans share. It invites the reader to be present in the moment rather than losing oneself in regret and guilt about the incontrovertible nature of time and lost opportunities. This poem is to remind us to take our time to live life and appreciate the value of life and memories that lives on beyond time and death. " ~Mohona Banerjee, STILL STEEPING, Blogger


By Crispulo Tappa


The call of duty beckons one
To join the army of nations,
The trumpets of war have blared,
Hurried goodbyes are made,
Race to a war not their own,
The enemy lines are drawn.

The enemy's lair determined,
Rockets laid and positioned,
Humans are cannoned, 
Buried under ruins, dead
Songs of sorrow, overheard
War-shocked, living-dead.

Sing the songs of sorrow
Of orphans and widows, 
No tears, dried up by fears,
Rebuild their lives in years,
Songs of sorrow, no refrains,
Rubble of dreams remains.

Trumpets sorrowfully blared,
Dead soldiers honored and laid,
Wrapped in their nations' flag, 
Mothers will miss their hugs,
The folly of senseless wars,
Awards are medals and stars.

Songs of sorrow fill the air 
To remind men to play fair,
War is the last instrument
For men to settle any argument
Over resources of the earth,
Domains, humankind's hearth.

Crispulo Tappa

All rights reserved.
26 November 2023

CTTO: Photo


By Jeffrey Cejero

The Will of Love 
by jepoy

In my whole life,
I never thought what lies beyond time and space
A mystery, impossible to trace.
Only gods could fathom
While mortals couldn't even grasp the phantom.
But the first time I met you,
I witnessed the flow of seasons moved in rhyme.
Though it was a cold December, 
The season showed a myriad solidification of hope
That I wanted to hold.
It was a manifestation of spring
Giving me the chance for new beginnings.
You melted the coldness of my life
And your smile was radiating like summer.
You also had majestic beauty of autumn.
You made my life experienced the prismastic hues of life.

The space between us turned to be our own world
That small place seemed to contain a living universe
My once dead and broken void
Now turn into Eden, no longer destroyed
There was also a time, when we were separated
And I started pulling the time for me to meet you sooner
Not seeing you makes my day like a dead silent night.
Our deep bond alters the cyclic movement of moon and sun
But still, the stars continue to shine 
And our love is enough to light the whole world.
Though we are separated by mountain, land or sea
And sometimes, even heaven,
Nothing, even hell could stop us.
Our connection is so closed like two souls that meant for each other.

No time and no space could hinder us
Our love transcends the law of the universe
And could even shatter the rules set by heaven
When we are together
The flow of time 
And every space in the universe
Turned insignificant and became the disciples of our hearts.
Beyond space and time is our will of love.

pic from pinterest
25 November 2023

20 November 2023


Lifted from Estelle Cortes

She looks through old pictures and the smile she once wore. 
The smile everyone said was beautiful.
The smile she assumed would stay forever.
But it didn't stay forever, and now she wishes she could find it, or at least something that looks like it.- 
          Stephanie Bennet-Henry


16 November 2023


By Khalil Gibran 

Do not live half a life
and do not die a half death
If you choose silence, then be silent
When you speak, do so until you are finished
If you accept, then express it bluntly
Do not mask it
If you refuse then be clear about it
for an ambiguous refusal is but a weak acceptance
Do not accept half a solution
Do not believe half truths
Do not dream half a dream
Do not fantasize about half hopes
Half the way will get you no where
You are a whole that exists to live a life
not half a life. 

~Khalil Gibran 
(Book: The Prophet)



By Gus Perez Amio with permission. 
Lifted from FB
14 November 2023


(Dedicated to all my friends treading on the same beaten path)

Lonely days are unheard of
If friends are all around
Delightful in anticipation
Of an event that's about to come

Aches and pains just seem to disappear
As the planned shindig draws near
You even rummage from the closet
The best attire you have to wear

Party time swiftly turns into a blast
Belting out old songs from the distant past
There's even the gleeful dancing spree
Cha-cha, tango, and even the "maskipaps"

Endless chatter is the order of the day
Various health issues come forth to stray
Vertigo, acid reflux, diabetes
Rheumatism, hypertension and prostatitis

But all of these pale in comparison
To the pleasure and delights of the occasion
" Let's live the moment!" they all chanted in unison
"Forget the burden and the load, let's all move on"

Such is the fate of those living on the edge
Of life's afterglow, the twilight of the day
Though we have to endure all the pains and sorrow
Our true faith in the Almighty will save our souls.

15 November 2023


Posted at FB
14 November 2023

Thank you Poetic Hearts for featuring me in your "GLIMPSES" COFFEE TABLE Magazine.

I'm honoured and humbled.

Thank you Jadj Dancel for your generous time and effort in handing this to Rado. Thank you Rado Gatchalian for bringing this precious treasure to me all the way Down Under from our Mahal na Inang Bayan.  💖

9 November 2023


By Leah C Dancel


I have you in my heart 
I have you in my thoughts 
I have you in my prayers 
I wish you goowill, 
And a will to mend 
From brokeness that befell you. 
Though no words my lips have uttered
I know deep inside me
God will heal you completely. 
Even in darkest time of day
Everything will shine brightly
Just like this Rose in my garden -

That overcomes loneliness 
As it stands alone in solitude 
Because faith,  hope,  and love 
Will encompass  adversity. 

©️ Leah C Dancel 
11 November 2023

6 November 2023


By Gordana Andalovska

The sounds of paradise

Soul filled
with stellar beauty
which the whole world carries
as a treasure in self ..

Sounds ..
They resemble the song of angels..
Choir, almost inaudible, 
which resonates in the soul..

Blessed is the one,
which he can feel
the sound of beauty 
in yourself and in others ..

Like an invisible hand
which gently descends 
on your head
along with a sounds of noise
on the angelic wings ..

© Gordana Andonovska


Lifted from Gerry Javier, Jr

These Beautiful lines by Robert Drake are worth many a repeat…

I feel I want to go back in time... 
Not to change things, but to feel a couple of things twice..

 I wish I was a Baby for a while... 
Not to be walked in the pram but to see my Mother's smile

 I wish I could go back to school... 
Not to become a child but to spend more time with those friends, I never met after school..

 I wish I could be back in college... 
Not to be a rebel but to really understand what I studied

 I wish I was a Fresher at my work... 
Not to do less work but to recall the joy of the first pay cheque.

 I wish my kids were younger.... 
Not because they grew fast but to play with them a bit more.

I feel I still had some more time to live... 
Not to have a longer life but to know what I could give to others.

*Since the times*
that are gone can never come back, let's enjoy the moments as we live them from now on, to the fullest..

*Let's Celebrate our Remaining Life - Every Moment and Every Day.*❤️

ctto: thanks Abet

5 November 2023


By Crispulo Tappa


When my teeth are gone
and can't smile
When my knees are weak
and creak
When my mind is fuzzy
like crazy
When my tummy has lost
its form.

Will you still love me
When you have your
own family
Found a place you now
call your own
That demands your full

Will you still love me
When life is as hazy 
as my vision
With all the body pains 
and aches 
A memory has lapsed,
almost erased.

Will you still love me
When I think and talk
like a child
And need help to move 
To be assisted in every
small task. 

If you can't love me
Then tell me now so
I won't expect
The same love that you 
and I have shared
When everything was

CTTO: Photo

1 November 2023


Lifted from The Soul Journey 
By Sarah Moussa

My sweet children,

If those you've surrounded yourself with don't build you up when you're with them or when you leave the table, they're not your tribe.

If they don't cheer loudly for you when you find success or cry with you when you've lost, they're not your tribe.

If you have to change who you are to be accepted, invited or included, they're not your tribe.

If they make you question your worth, tear you down or make you feel defeated, they're not your tribe.

Who you surround yourself with matters. They become part of you. You might start to act like them, think like them, behave like them or view life through their lens. 

Don't give up on who you are. 
Don't become a byproduct of someone else.
Don't dim your light so they can shine brighter.
Don't leave yourself behind.

Keep being YOU. Keep doing what you love. Your tribe will find you. Even one good friend is far better than a bunch of fake friends. 

Don't settle for less than you deserve. Surround yourself with those who shine as brightly as you do. 💜💜💜

Raising Teens Today