"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

19 October 2023


By Melany AmMabao Maguindanao

Too Fast
By Melany Amante Mabao Maguindanao 

How did I get here so fast?
I thought my younger days would last.
The shadows on the wall I cast,
Chipped away, down the floor like dust.

The hands of time
is ticking away... 
I'm losing valuable time everyday.
The dreams that's blown by the wind's cold blast,
Now, remnants of the good old past.

These days of my life are numbered.
When gone, how will I be remembered?
I, and my restless agitation?
Me in the chaos of confusion.

For a moment, I was confident.
For just a time, my life was a rhyme.
But the most of it, I stumbled.
For the most of it, I struggled.

As this journey draws to an end,
Wisdom from madness, I rend.
The lessons that count the most,
Greatness comes at patience' cost.

Though, a long way has been travelled...
But there's still a long way to lead.
There is still some value to squeeze out
In the remaining journey ahead.

Soon, I'll be waving from the back of the train...
Then I'll be leaving all the pain.
My conquests in this world,
I can't bring them to my tomb.

For now, I am happy here.
To challenges, I did not surrender.
I have my friends here, It's the most I would like to remember.
Soon, I'll settle for peace.
In time, I'll leave with ease.

Photo: ctto