When no one buys you flowers
Buy them yourself
They are inexpensive
You can even choose the colours you like
Flowers are given as gifts
A sign of appreciation
A symbol of adulation
An expression of love
Flowers are used as an offering
A plea for forgiveness
A tool for flattery
A weapon for bribery
So when someone buys you flowers
Know the reasons behind
Irrelevant they maybe
It's the thought that counts
Still, at the end
Nobody buys me flowers
So I buy them for myself
Blooms to appreciate
A bunch to adore
Colours to explore
A beauty that tampers the mood
A secret to fathom
Hiding behind the gloom
Flowers damper the ambience
Tampers the spirit
Tinkers the soul
Treat yourself
Buy some flowers
The colours you like
To put back that twinkle in your eyes.
16 April 2023