My shortest poem.
Nothing green.
Nothing verdant.
©Leah C Dancel
Copyright © 15 January 2020
All rights reserved
Rhodes NSW Australia
Author's Note
The poem is the shortest I have written. I could have magnified it, but decided to leave it as it is.
It's at the height of conflagration that hit Australia-wide to which the infernal season of Summer exacerbated the cause. I just barely arrived from the Philippines two weeks before.
Steve, my son-in-law, took us for a drive to Rhodes, to the lake. The thick smokey film you see enveloping the surrounding came from the bushfire smoke dissipating all around Sydney.
Almost everywhere you go and look, there's nothing left to be desired as everything you see is virtually dead.
This bushfire started as early as September 2019, and due to the lack of rain and nagging endless drought, it continued till March 2020, when finally the heavens broke loose and let down its vapor contents in the form of the rain.
How long before the land was healed, that I have lost track.
The following month, April, C19 virus was purportedly on the rise and Pandemic lockdown was declared. There was panic buying and the centre of the controversy of the day was the dumb Toilet Paper which was on the short demand.