October 19, 2022
Macquarie Field
Empty Nest
Once a place where laughter rings -
Between playmates who dance and sing.
Their voices sweet; they're full of life;
Cute angels sent from heaven above.
Once a court where Princesses reign.
Uncrowned, bejewelled with dimpled chins.
When dreamstime bids, they're sweet cherubs in the cribs:
My pure joy, the source of maternal pride.
Once a playground where fantasy plays;
They catch rainbows in their mine of dreams.
Book and friends; toys and games;
They tell stories and acting out names.
Once a clinic where nurses serve
Lots of tender loving care they share;
Looking after patients sick and weak;
Some loving hugs bring them back to health.
Once a school where children learn
To read and write; count and listen;
They teach each other with so much fun and joy;
Great is the experience that they enjoy.
Once a garden where insects swarm
O'er pretty flowers they hover and charm;
While nature lays green carpet on the ground;
Shrubs and trees keep them safe all around.
Once a church where they pray to worship.
And sing songs of praise with hearts content.
Their kindred spirits are nurtured there;
As they grow ever thankful with grace.
Now they're gone, having found their own nest;
Makes my heart filling with emptiness;
No shadows I see behind the sun;
What's left are their memories of fun!
© Leah C Dancel
Copyright © November 27, 2007
All rights reserved
(15 years on my own as of November 27, 2022)