October 22, 2021

By Rado Gatchalian
Unburden Reason from its supposed
Nature to free mankind;
Reject every form of commandments
That let you choose between good and evil.
Be free to set your foot
To a paradise known as Beauty.
Do not be deceived by your own perception,
Choose to feel a desire that doesn’t want,
A passion that doesn’t chain,
Love that doesn’t expect anything in return.
When truth hurts you ~~~
It is only bearable to a certain point:
Between what you see and what you want to believe.
When your only comfort is Poetry
And you hide your loneliness from the crowd:
You sleep not to rest but to dream
You rest not to stop but to pause.
Imagination is your sole power:
To create is a solemn duty to bless the world.
Unburden yourself from wanting,
Then, you shall have everything.
As you depart and say your blessings
Close your eyes like a quiet star,
And remember that between life and death
It is You that makes all the difference.
Be free. Be happy. Sleep gently.
Be at peace. Be beautiful. Awake splendidly.
(Photography: by Rado Gatchalian)