Myr Reyes E. Tejada
Amidst the world’s cacophony of sounds
My heart hears the rings of dulcet ones
Melodies for souls searching for some.
Mothers’ croons, rocking babies to sleep
Tots prattling and babbling, kids’ giggling shrieks
While at play under the dazzling sun’s heat.
Chirping birds, buzzing bees, barking dogs
Rustling leaves, breaking waves, murmuring brooks
There is music in every nook.
The whispers of wind in the evening breeze
Night’s serenade caressingly sweet
Transports my soul to a cosmic place.
Pitter-patter of a gentle drizzling rain
Or big raindrops cascading down the drain
Pelting, battering, thrumming, drumming.
Awesome are sounds of nature’s tantrum
Howling winds, the thunders’ bang and boom
The magical symphony of a storm.
The mesmerizing hush of silence
Heart’s pumping thuds, pushing blood to our veins
Echoes of love for life, sweetest refrain.
© Myr Reyes E. Tejada
Photo source: The Internet