Rose from the Garden
September 24, 2021
🌹 🌹 🌹
In the glen of friendship
I see the colour green
That speaks of hope
The rebirth of spring;
Fresh acquaintance bring.
In the meadow where the greens lay
Blossoms of buttercups explode
Radiant colour of yellow springs
The vibrancy of hope
Where friendship stay.
The lea reveals a carpet of evergreens -
Three-lobed clovers that cover the ground.
Their flow'rs in beauteous sight array
For friends that gather overnight -
In esprit de corps their mighty sword are pens in flight.
Springtime renews the growth of life
Awaken from long hibernation of strife;
Past winter solstice when poets' bubbles burst;
Within pandemic cage, their camaraderie evolved
Their passion of poetry, a zest to boost.
©Leah C. Dancel
All rights reserved
September 24, 2021
FPB International Friendship Week