As humans we have personalized love, and it's my belief that love is given to us not to be personalized, sentimentalized or emotionalized.
Our limited nature allows love to be directed here and not there, now and not then. Love has a desire to be given and received unconditionally in order to thrive. Without love we would wither.
Looking inward and finding the capabilities of love, allows us as humans to be more accepting and understanding of ourselves and others, and therefore allows us to learn and heal.
If we all, as humans, choose to allow unconditional love and peace to exist together then we would not have to search for new paths to consciousness ... or ponder the disasters that may face our children in the future. We do have the ability to end the old cycles and enter into a new way of thinking.
"The fruit of love is service. The fruit of service is peace."
~Mother Teresa
I read a book named 'Agape: What Love Really Is' by J. Kevin Abraham. Within the pages of this book is an intriguing story and many thought-provoking ideas on the meaning of love. I choose to share with you the author's words pertaining to love and our human existence.
"Our emotions inform us when we do not love others or when we do not love ourselves. When we make the choice not to love, we deny ourselves the freedom to act on our individual potential to be our unique selves."
~J. Kevin Abraham
We, as children of our God can unite in spirituality and ask for assistance in achieving Love and Peace in this world ad infinitum (without end).
~Mary Ann Faris, February, 2011
(Feedback Welcome:
Source: Inspiration Line