"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

3 June 2011


I believe-
That we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change.

I believe-
That it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.

I believe-
That we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.

I believe-
That either you control your attitude or it controls you.

I believe-
That heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.

I believe-
That my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time!

I believe-
That sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down, will be the ones to help you get back up.

I believe-
That sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.

I believe-
That just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

I believe-
That maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.

I believe-
That it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others.
Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.

I believe-
That no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.

I believe-
That our background and circumstances may have influenced
who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.

I believe-
That two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.

I believe-
That the people you care about most in life are the essence of life.
Tell them today how much you love them and what they mean to you.

"Our beliefs are so powerful that they color our entire world. We literally see what we believe, but we can--and most of us do fail to take responsibility for what we see, especially what we see within." ~ Hugh Prather.

Source: Positive Thoughts