"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

30 January 2022

MOON by Rumi

January 30, 2018

“I am your moon and your moonlight too
I am your flower garden and your water too
I have come all this way, eager for you
Without shoes or shawl
I want you to laugh
To kill all your worries
To love you
To nourish you.”

~Jalaluddin Mevlana Rumi

“At night, I open the window
and ask the moon to come
and press its face against mine.
Breathe into me.
Close the language-door
and open the love-window.
The moon won't use the door,
only the window.” 

~Jalaluddin Mevlana Rumi ~
A Year with Rumi: Daily Readings

First Avenue, Seven Hills
Taken inside an empty lot
27 May 2021

At the twilight, a moon appeared in the sky;
Then it landed on earth to look at me.
Like a hawk stealing a bird at the time of prey;
That moon stole me and rushed back into the sky.
I looked at myself, I did not see me anymore;
For in that moon, my body turned as fine as soul.
The nine spheres disappeared in that moon;
The ship of my existence drowned in that sea."
~Rumi, Divan, 649:1-3,5

“Moonlight floods the whole sky from horizon to horizon;
How much it can fill your room depends on its windows.” 

~Jalaluddin Mevlana Rumi ~
The Essential Rumi

Photo shoot at my backyard
January 30, 2018


January 30, 2022


What a lovely day to spend outdoor!
The summer breeze sweeps over my face.
It's refreshing and relaxing
Definitely acquiescent
To hold.

I welcome the sight of the harbour
From the garden where I find a place
Each moment for me to relish
Joyful mem'ries reminiscent
Of old.

©Leah C. Dancel
Copyright © January 29, 2022
All rights reserved
ILA Magazine Challenge
#Brady's Touch Poetry
(Edited by Jeffrey Dacanay Cejero)

29 January 2022

Pieces Off a Woman

By Hedda Tady

What the world may never know
Is how, with every armor shed
A piece of our skin goes
A piece of ourselves gone

Never to return.

With every struggle surmounted
We dig our graves a little deeper
Closer to our Maker
Farther from all pains

Whether friend or foe
Pieces of ourselves, we give
For that is the world’s design
Pieces off a woman

We stayed home
We starve
So we join the melee
We race against men.

We win. We lose.
Pieces off a woman.

Our bodies, tired
Our spirits, torn
Stand, we must
Pieces off a woman.

Seek quiet, you say? 
Be peaceful.
A smile, we offer
Inside, we unravel.

By the world’s design
We take pieces off
All women.

*Dress by Len Nepomuceno Mortel for project MMXXI Reconstructed Alchemy.


By Hedda Tady

My wish for you
When my sun finally sets
Is that you find love.

Love that’s as strong as an oak 
As gentle as a calm brook
Sways with you like leaves on a tree
Doesn’t make you bend or break.

Love that sees your light
But is himself, light in your
He sees not with his eyes
But with his heart.

He dies into your love
As you make his arms both refuge
and strength
Wishes are far too many
For one who possesses beauty.

Fragile in heart
Not of weakness but of strength
For a heart that loves all, is consumed by all
Has to find a soul as eternal as she.



By Rado Gatchalian

My Bodhi
(Dedicated to Thich Nhat Hanh. Died 22 January 2022)

I sleep in a night when all dreams
are contained in a small wooden casket;
there, a million questions of awe —
are resurrected every daylight.

For three years and more
I wander and wonder —
a quest where mountains bow to river,
clouds are formed into water,
woods turned to ashes,
body becomes earth.

Like a butterfly, I fly
for only a few days — and die.

Then, if my wings float in the wind
and kiss the most beautiful flower 
that rests in the sky —
I pray that the morning sun 
finds delight in this simplest
offering of final obedience.

Then, when I become rain —
and come back to earth:
I shall pay reverence to this tree
where roots are so deep,
piercing the core of my heart.

Photography by Leah Dancel.
(Dedicated too to my fellow Thich Nhat Hanh followers Hedda Tady, Gil Marvel P. Tabucanon, Gerardreyes Avengerard Walsch)


(Dedicated to Earl Nightingale, author of “The Strangest Secret”)
By Rado Gatchalian

A wise man remembers what he already knew deep within.
The seed grows in the heart; and its fruits are manifested in the life you choose.
The mind is where you keep your treasure, and your power.
What you think is what you are.
Think happiness, and you become happy.
Think of the greatness in life, and your life will be great.
When this power is built with a grand purpose, then, life becomes a living testament of abundant blessings on Earth.
It is never too late.
Begin now, no matter how old you are.
The power is still there, as long as you breathe.
Be at peace with yourself, and your mind will be more tranquil.
Believe in your power to create an abundant life and everything that you deserve will be yours.
Abundance is an abundance of all things: including love, friendship, family, travel, purpose, passion, and meaning.
When you believe in yourself, you believe in your power.
The power is within.
The thing that matters to you, matters a lot.
Everything you desire, truly desire, Nature provides.
Believe and you shall receive.
As heaven and earth proclaim: 
You are the master of your own fate.
Do not doubt; never give up.
Be strong but always dream.
Be wise but remain like a curious child.
Be patient but be creative.
Walk on earth, with glee, but reach your hands to the clouds.
Do not neglect your dreams.
Listen to the sound of river: it’s the same echo of peace in your mind.
Climb the mountain but never forget your roots.
Return to the source and you will find your destination.
Be who you are, be truthful to your thoughts.
Open your hands to the universe, and the world will embrace you.
Open your heart to love, and love will come to you.
You are special. You are powerful.
Keep and use this power — and today and in the future you shall live a life that is so beautiful.
Be that beauty, inside and outside; but more so, within.
When your soul shines like a diamond, even the brightest stars follow your path.
Remember or find your purpose. Now.
Create a life that is both rich and humble.
Be rich but ready to serve mankind.
It is never too late.
Every morning is a new day, a new hope reborn.
Believe in this power, and you will become truly powerful.
Believe in this power, and you will never fear failure.
Be strong but be at peace with everyone, especially to yourself.
Follow your heart, and nurture your mind — and you shall live a life to the fullest.

Never surrender to failure; if you need to start all over again, let it be. 
But always remember: how you rule your mind is how you rule your life.
This power might sound like empty words
But the power rests on your will to believe.
You might be pessimistic but never ever lose the power to imagine, to create.
If you think your situation now is a failed and unhappy life: accept it but don’t surrender to it.
Rise up again. Talk to your mind again. 
Think. Think. Think.
He who thinks is the winner.
But do not overthink.
Remember your dreams.
Embrace that child within: yes, cry, but remain cheerful.
In your suffering, find meaning.
In your aches, restore your strength.
In your sadness, feel those who have nothing.
Life is a series of endless challenges
But always be guided by your power.
Be powerful. Look within.
Be at peace. Be content, and you will be rich.
Be rich, and you will have everything.
Everything is in the mind.
Blessed is he who lives, 
Blessed is he who loves.
As mind lives and loves, everything follows.
Follow your mind, and all matters follow.
Be thankful, truly grateful. 
Life is beautiful.


27 January 2022


By Jeffrey Dacanay Cejero

Flowing in a Stream
(Cejero's Reverse Quintet)

I am like water flowing in a stream
To fulfill my dream, I won't stop to flow
For dreams have the glow to brighten my days
I'll do all the ways to break every rock
To be free from lock, I will never stop

Until my last drop brings me to unlock
Every door, I'll knock in search for my sea
Where my destiny that ne'er been shallow
I'll turn every snow a triumphant beam
Flowing in a stream, I am like water.

January 27, 2022

26 January 2022

Walks in Beauty

By Lord Byron

She walks in beauty,  like the night 
Of cloudless climes and starry skies,
And all that's best of dark and  bright 
Meet in her  aspect and her eyes :
Thus mellowed to that tender light 
Which heaven to gaudy day denies. 

And on that cheek,  and o'er that brow, 
So soft,  so calm,  yet eloquent, 
The smiles that win,  the tints that glow, 
But tell of days in goodness spent.

By Lord Byron


Let go!
by Maximo Tumbali

Learn how to let go
If you want to grow

Say goodbye
But don't cry

Be happy instead
And look ahead

A brighter tomorrow awaits you
Cast off that which gets you blue

To yourself be real strong
Don't succumb to a storm

Be wise always like a serpent
Stick to what gives you strength

If loneliness haunts and hounds you
Seek the company of one who's true

Get someone who can love 
you better
Forget the one who made your 
life bitter

Life is so precious to waste away
Embrace it; live it your own way

At the end of the day
To yourself you say:

Yes, this is my life!
I have to live it right!

copyright/2022/maximo tumbali


By Leah C. Dancel


The poet in me is dry; unwitty
In this summer, non resplendent from heat
Waves upon waves of thermal effusion
E'en the night has lost its placidity.

My brain is drained with fluid thoughts
There's not a juice I can express 
The lines are parched; the pens are dried
How organic this heatwaves brought!

 I'm wondering when this confusion lasts
What seems normal no longer exists.
The climate change is in full blast!
This continent in conflagration sets.

The poet in me is dried  of wits
My brain is drained with fluid thoughts
Confused, perhaps, and boggled too
In every encumbrance this summer brings.

© Leah C. Dancel
Copyright© January 27, 2019
All rights reserved
January 27, 2019

Photo: Stanwell Park
January 26, 2019

Edited Version


The poet in me is dry; unwitty
Non resplendent from this summer heat
Waves upon waves of thermal effusion
E'en the night has lost its placidity.

My brain is drained with fluid thoughts
There's no creative justice I can ascribe
The lines are parched; the pens are dried
How organic the heatwaves brought!

I'm wond'ring when this confusion lasts
What seems normal, no longer exists.
As climate change bursts and blasts!
This continent in conflagration sets.

The poet in me is dried  of wits
My brain is drained with fluid thoughts
Confused, perhaps, and boggled too
In every encumbrance this summer brings.

©Leah C. Dancel
Copyright© January 27, 2019
All rights reserved
January 27, 2019

Photo: Stanwell Park
January 26, 2019

24 January 2022


January 24, 2019

Animals and humans compared
by Maximo Tumbali

Animals are better than humans
Humans are worse than animals
Animals are not educated
Yet behave better than humans
Humans have the power of reason
Yet act like brutes and demons
Humans can create inventions
But often lead to their destruction
Animals live on simple things
Humans want food of the kings
Animals live in the forest
Which humans so detest
Yet the former seem at peace
While the latter are in anguish.

January 24, 2019

Photo: To the contrary
Selima and Marco at Auntie Laura, Uncle Abe, and cousins Natasha and Emma
7 and 3 respectively
March 26, 2017


The Garden Comes Alive!

'Tis a very quiet, otherwise, a beautiful day!
It is peak high noon. No movement is seen outside.
I draw my window curtains wide, to sate my eyes
In the ravishing beauty of our village garden.

Trees are heavily laden with green, healthy boughs.
But birds are nowhere in sight to sing their songs
When they usually nestle, swing, or flit from tree to tree.
If not, they populate the adobe rooftops  quietly.

Perhaps, they have migrated and come back for their twilight dreams?
Nah, they are back, in a gliding canopy, and, once again
The garden comes alive!

The afternoon breeze, that wonderful feeling of the soothing breeze,
Lulls me to a dreamy siesta for a short rest.
But the shrubs and trees coquettishly
swaying in gentle tempo;
Behaving as if  performing their own concerto.

In the midst of the booming garden,
Flowers are showing off their multi coloured pulchritude:
Roses, gardenias, camellias,
Bottlebrushes, Cadena de Amor and hydrangeas;

Oh just to name a few, are generously offering their best of blooms.
Their floral perfumes fill my senses with rapturous delight...
And the garden comes alive!

Peace is now invaded by some strange colourful birds,
And, solitude turns into a procession of peeping lairds.
Every branch, every twig, every nook of their dreams
Are filled with vibrant harmony in a string of noonday gleams.

Even the cloudless, cobalt sky collaborates with time.
The radiant sun sifts through the apex,  beaming with pride.
The breeze comes a blowing, blowing, blowing.
The breeze comes a fanning, fanning, fanning.

My inspiration is revived by the beauty 
On a noontime intermezzo, I see!
Ah! The garden comes alive!

© Leah C. Dancel
Copyright ©March 11, 2008
All rights reserved

Author's Note

Written just for my noontime intermezzo inspired by the tranquility of the surrounding. This makes us very happy and lucky to be away from the bickering and acrimonious world.

21 January 2022


By Keith Hansen


We dream, we choose, we search between
to seek a key that can’t be seen.
But while we shift and re-align
we run with risk before our time. 

Not a race and not a game
both fast and slow arrives the same.
A temporal shift to what holds true
our life-clock cogs conceal a clue.

For everyone there are the times
when fate and chance aligns, combines.
The skill in knowing when to stay
to move towards or walk away.

The will as one to heed the call
trust our instincts first of all.
The key to keep our Life-Clock chiming
lies within
its in ‘The Timing’.


Indeed! The timing! When you're in the right place at the right time!  I love the rhyming and the rhythm. LCD, January 21, 2022

Leah Dancel 
Yes, spot-on…. but sometimes opportunity knocks quietly and windows for action can be very narrow….. it all comes down to our choices at that moment in time……

Moments in Time

A count of time, big moments past
enshrined in life, forever last.
Within each one inbuilt the key
to just that possibility.

A count of ways, of all as known
of stroke, of love, of broken bone.
A blink of eye the future changed
now, tomorrow, re-arranged.

A count of all we hold within
as moments permeate our skin.
For tho we think we understand
fate leans in and shakes our hand.

A count of nights, of joy-filled dreams
nothing really as it seems.
 Dawn renews what could be done
advancing moments, one-by-one.

The moment now, of what might be.
Could dreams become reality?
Thru chance or choice we hold the key
to every  possibility.


Source: Poetry Australia
Via Keith andDi Hansen

13 January 2022


Author Anon?


Today I saw a nurse. 
Dressed head to toe in blue 
A mask, a gown, some gloves 
Fearlessly working for me and you. 

She moved from bed to bed 
Tirelessly doing all her checks 
But even in the midst of chaos 
Her kind words to me have great effects 

She said I’m here beside you 
Please do not despair 
This helped calm me down 
as my lungs gasped for air 

No visitors can come to me 
No flowers will pass my door. 
For a virus has come for us 
That makes our chest, throat and head sore 

Yet there is my little angel 
Walking around the room 
Looking after us all 
And fighting off our gloom 

I watch her hold a patients hand 
And guide them to the light 
These nurses truly understand 
They’re full of courage and might. 

After each one passes 
She softly hides her cries. 
Then takes a little moment 
And mourns anyone who dies. 

Today I saw a nurse 
A mighty powerful person 
A hero, an angel, a friend. 
Helping people who have come to the end. 

Today I saw a nurse 
She stayed a while beside me 
That’s when I knew this awful curse 
Was going to come find me. 

I thought of all my family outside 
And those that I so love 
And felt a hand grab mine 
Through a blue powdered glove 

Today I saw a nurse 
She was there at the very end 
I felt the love pour from her 
As she held me like a friend 

So do not worry friends and family 
Stay safe at home and fight 
For today I saw a nurse 
And the light she had was bright 


12 January 2022



The night heavy rainfall
Sent me to a deep slumber
A dreamless one, albeit, a serene one.

It was silence amidst 
The splattering of pelting drops 
Filtered by the singing angels.

Echoing around me
Yet, I heard nothing.
Turbulence made discreet.

In the sky, doomed with lies
They multiplied
As days imply.

Morning comes without sun
And clouds covered with gloom
I welcome the hyperborean gaze.

Numb the weather
Looking at different side
There's always something fresh to view:

That the rain, heavy or light,
Brings newness to a promising start
As rain washes all filths away.

©Leah C. Dancel
Copyright©January 13, 2022
All rights reserved


Teresita Sy Giok Liong
You can actually bring poetry to everything even though how insignificant it is such as rain which ordinary people take for granted.

11 January 2022

The Sovereign Awaken

They couldn’t go to the pool, so the people met and swam in the ocean and lakes, and built saunas together. 
They couldn’t go to restaurants so the people had dinner parties and potlucks.
They couldn’t go to clubs so the people had epic dance parties.
They couldn’t go to the gym so the people ran up mountains, lifted rocks, chopped firewood, trained in each others’ garages.
They couldn’t go to grocery stores so they gathered Wild Herbs and farmed.
They couldn’t go to sports events so they created their own.
They were told they couldn’t travel but found ways.
They lost their jobs so they created and found new ones that were more aligned with their values.
They lost friends and family but found newer, greater true connections-and  built community.
Everything that’s happening is totally insane, and inhumane. 
But they never felt oppressed.
In fact, freer than ever.
What we build now is the future.
I wouldn’t miss this era for anything.
The Sovereign awaken.~~

~author unknown



A kith of dolphins came to frolic
Romping boisterously by the sea
Casting a spell on my empty heart
For all the cares in this world, 
Their joy was none other
All they could muster.

There I was on my own lax self
Watching them so carefree and happy
While sitting on my beachside chair
Smiles on my face refused to leave
For a perfect treat that afternoon show
They prepared for me.

How could they know of someone
Needing some comforting on that day?
How did they sense the loneliness within me?
Yet, there they were in their jolly pack  
Calling me to come out from my shelf
As if wanting me to swim along with them.

I left the beach with tearful eyes
Between the sea, the sky and me
The moment was savoured with emptiness
Mother Nature comprehended my soul
The reason she sent you my prancing kith
To cheer me on that time I needed it most.

©Leah C. Dancel
Copyright©January 12, 2022
All rights reserved
ILA Magazine

10 January 2022


The sun finds its way to rest
It sets in the west from the east.
At appointed time when his light
Evanesces at eventide.
As the night is coming
The workers, too, drop their hats
And hang their gloves and boots;
Least their bones become weary
At sundown, they need not tarry.

©Leah C. Dancel
Copyright©January 11, 2022
All rights reserved

Photo: ctto

Military Wife Collaboration

Collaboration with Estelle Cortes
January 11, 2019


When the Guard at the frontier 
Plays the bugle to raise the alarm
As he played a call to arms in haste
The soldiers run and make no waste
Out from the foxhole's den
They run here, there and around the bend.

At home his wife in prayer kneels
To beg that her husband is safe and well
She is the hero in his life that fills
Him with love and adoration of his name at will
No one cares about her well-being
She is the living widow left unslain 

She matters not to everyone in disdain
For all her sacrifices in silence bear
Sometimes she's looked down; her eyes in tears
Alone, brave in scorn, with no one to defend
While her dear husband fights for all men's rights
To live, but his own dear wife's life full of fright.

©Leah C. Dancel
Copyright©11 January 2019
All rights reserved

Anon By Estelle Cortes
30 May 2010 

My name’s often forgotten
But that doesn’t bother me
He is the one who matters ...
And every time he leaves 
Part of me is torn away 
My heart just breaks in two 
Oh Lord I need your strength now 
Before I come unglued 
I hurry off with our boy 
His daddy’s gone away
I know the questions will start soon 
How will I make it through this day?
Everyone talks about the soldiers 
Give them the respect they’re due
But what about my son and me? 
Don’t we matter too? 
My husband is a soldier 
And I’m that soldier’s wife 
Please notice all your freedoms 
We make that sacrifice
And if he gives his life for you 
I know that I’ll stand tall
He’s fighting for our country 
And for that he’ll take the fall 
So when you bow your head at night 
And say your bedtime prayer
Please remember to pray for our troops 
Who are scattered everywhere
And if you happen to remember 
Please say a prayer for me
I am the one who’s left behind 
Your prayers are what I need 
I am a soldier’s wife. 

Photo: ctto


A Poem for A Soldier's Wife
By Melany Amante Mabao Maguindanao

The almost tragic saga of your indelible tale.
Written as a triumph over despair.
Your recollection struck a deeper chord...
Using your pen as your only sword.

Browsing the pages you kept for ages,
I have seen your life constantly on the edges...
It offered me insights, illuminated
my ways...
The life you fought for, now, with love he pays.

The strength of a woman, I found in you...
It's extraordinary...he knows it too.
Life is a celebration of love and 
Forever thankful to your fortitude.

Continue to be stronger for the people you love...
With your pain and struggles, I'm
first to sob.
I also relied in your strength for so long now...
Even to thank you, I don't know how.

So accept this poetry from a neophyte friend...
A symbol of admiration I can only send..
A gift for my bestfriend in this life...
To remember your worth... as a hero's wife.

Source: I Keep What I Read
FB Page

Photo: ctto

9 January 2022

Under the Shade of Trees

Under the Shade of Trees
By Rado Gatchalian 

Behold and look at the mirror
And see the hands of God
Working infinitely in the bliss,
Into you, from you, for you, through you.
Bend your arrogance — and wait,
Terminate all your judgment
And wait for doubt to become truth.
As you walk through that door,
Remember that exits are uncertain;
But open that door and see for yourself
How anguish can be a reward,
Anger, a source of life,
And hopelessness, your very hope to dream.
When endless nights of prayer —
Become punishments to your soul:
You question whether God exists or not,
If life has meaning at all.
But here, hear the crying lips of your spirit,
Listen to the invisible wind
That shakes the earth with love,
Resuscitates life with free flowers and bees.
Embrace the good and bad in you,
And look at the mirror again —
And you discover that your faith sustains you;
What you see is a reflection 
Of what you want to believe;
Refrain from looking
And you will start to see.
When this Universe calls for your attention
Do not doubt such beauty,
Contemplate the finite and the infinite,
The beginning and the end,
The good and the evil,
Everything and nothing,
Masculine and feminine,
Day and night —
And you realise that all truths are half-truths.
Move but be still,
Be thirsty but patient —
As you reach the heavens
You get a better view of earth,
And you realise that as above, so below;
And you see in the mirror —
The self and the entire universe,
Yet you are one unique star.


January 10, 2018

(In memory of Karomatan)
Summer is here again.
My sweet reverie begins.
In the night, repose
With the tide, the sea mellows.
I solemnly tread upon the silver sand.
Each footstep winding at a glance;
Sinking in every moment’s care,
As I leave my footmarks bare.
Twinkling starry nights I oft to gaze;
Stirring memories, I fondly recall,
Some childhood silhouettes move
As if they sway among the leaves.
This magical moment in time,
Has gripped my heart with longings,
When I hear the carillon chimes,
It is calling my name from home.
The quiet hush of the sea makes waves,
To the seashore they cleanly sweep,
With gentle laps in the glinting sand;
Mingling with sadness they groan and weep.
My childhood is well-remembered by
Of life where the bank swells with pride
This summer promenade washes mem’ry
My lonely echo sends the tide away.
©Leah C. Dancel
Copyright@ November 16, 2007 
All rights reserved
Author’s Note: A dedicatory poem of my childhood after two decades living away from home. I feel so homesick. I miss my big boisterous, happy family. Only Delia and I are left. The rest are gone. (Updated, January 10, 2022)

6 January 2022



Dim is the firmament
As if the heaven stirs up
The earth in the mire
In a climatic quagmire
To which its hands keep 
The rein on --
In full weather-vane.

Arctic icebergs crash; snow melts
And mountain dew evaporates.
All are squandered by
A merciless avalanche
Of avaricious serpents
And the whole world tumbles!

©Leah C. Dancel
Copyright©January 7, 2009
All rights reserved


By Melany Amante Mabao Maguindanao

What is the difference between evil and righteousness?
What differentiates the corrupt from those who tolerates it?
What separates the pious and the heathen?

Your silence is awkward.
It can easily be misunderstood.
Though your mouth is shut... your ears can hear every single murmur of your heart.

This is not right!

But you cannot be the change, because just like the rest, that cultured  fear shackles you.

With a line  of sight no one else can see, we need more hawks to soar higher than the pigeons!

January 6, 2022

5 January 2022



Quenching thirst for knowledge starts with learning.
It grows a deep desire to broaden our outlook to attain a future best.
Our noble dreams from humble beginnings, set us apart to go beyond;
And, make us strive to be high above the rest, but with caution.

The novelty of easy life can sometimes undermine our determination to succeed.
Some of us who thrive in extreme poverty become warriors 
As we uphold our ambition in fighting for what makes sense of our self worth.
We work hard up the ladder with a great deal of struggles as we cross the bridge of many challenges.

In doing so, we equip ourselves with preparations
That begin with the right attitude, firm resolved and tough discipline to gain proper education.
I see myself in this lady looking tired and exhausted 
Blanketing in knowledge her thirsty soul has quenched in peaceful contentment.

Once upon a time... 
In my academic endeavour
That didn't even bear fruit
For lack of professional practice.

I ended up being a Poet!

©Leah C. Dancel
Copyright ©January 6, 2022
All rights reserved
ILA Magazine
#Annette Nasser



In today's weather report, we present
A celerity of atmospheric development
From afar off southern dell of Thredbo;

The ether above its dingle is deep blue. 
It sparkles at night with stars that shine over the mead.
When suddenly, this summer turns gelid...

From a fiery mercurial condition
Into a blanket of niveous congelation 
Right here in the old  empyrian domain ...

As the stilly snowfalls travel heavy with the wind,
This tidings of cold snap brings joy  to the entire community. 
Australia, even with seasons, holds true to its climate diversity.

©Leah C. Dancel
Copyright@January 5, 2022
All rights reserved
ILA Magazine 

Photo: Hotham, VICTORIA
Credit to Matt Wiseman
December 2, 2019

4 January 2022

Too Much Love Can Kill You"

By Dimple Lobo Corcino Opina

"Too Much Love Can Kill You"

The night never fall asleep,
Where a feeling of despair engulfs in its silence,
Hopelessness gave birth to lingering miseries,
Even in the presence of love that still exists.

She wage wars in the comfort of her room,
Where tears of pain are never seen by others,
Where the troubles of sorrow blanketed in nightfall,
And brokenness still dreams denying realities. 
Of many heartbreaks, lies, and betrayals,
Of giving chances and acceptance,
Of tormenting nights and distressing dawns,
All of these failed you to become wiser.

Many questions you have been ignored,
For the truth is often hard to swallow,
In the pit of despair, you were trapped,
Regrets bring more excruciating agony, sanity was falling apart.
You care enough but it never gave you protection,
You loved more than yourself but in return, you lived in graveyard gloom,
Wake up, let go, don't be a forever fool,
Life is not always a tragic dramatic musical.


2 January 2022


Contrary to sadness and fate
look on brighter sides of the fence.
Happiness and destiny
offer enlightenment.
The last day of the year
and the first day
as all days thereafter 
belong to you.
Face the world, look toward 
earth’s vastness
savoring luminous glimpses
during day and evening hours.
Reminisce in growth,
take part in memorable conversations.
You are a fundamental molding
A unique YOU
Created by The Amighty

Annette Nasser

Just a mere two days behind, yet wishing everyone a glorious new year. All I’ve connected with, I send gratitude and love to you for your selfless support of ILA Magazine and in mentioning, as one friend to a countless many here, I can’t imagine what it would be like without the unique individual that each of you are. I may not be here often, in response toward your creativity, just know it does not go unnoticed. I have much to catch up to.  Wishing this New Year brings you joy in all aspects of your life.