"Many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference." ~Michael Faudet


"Retrace your steps and go back to the purest place in your heart… where your hope lives. You’ll find your way again.” ~Everwood (Trust Your Journey)

The Bible says

"a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of things which he possesseth."

4 November 2019


Information may come from reading what’s written

And hearing what is being said;

But wisdom comes from understanding

That which is neither written or said

For the art of reading between the lines

Is an art that no one teaches.

An art that no one teaches

But is learnt by one who observes
Is an art that helps us touch

That which little has touched...

Come and sit by my side,

Let my silence touch yours

And let our silence collect those fruits

That words can never bear...

~ Raj Yogi


By Melanie Amante Mabao Maguindanao

Seemingly suspended frozen in the frigid air...
I examined myself again in the mirror.
I saw my avatar in a metaverse where the sky is the limit.
Is this a way to trick the senses?
Maybe some neural implant has been inserted so that I can't tell the difference between playing my life or the second life...on a never ending calculus of reality and fantasy.

My heart stopped in there for a moment.

Is it really possible to digitalize the self?
To leave your body and upload the mind?
A post-human living entirely inside a machine...creating an absence of human flaws and weaknesses?

It is a concept of having an appearance without the traces and sutures of wear and tear but a seamless indestructible image of the self in an alternate world.

The idea more than appealing is rather sticky. The wild and the weird sounds mysterious and interesting sometimes... but, I would rather have reality decompose me from the outside, than think of a new world that brings about new dangers!

Source: FB, My Avatar on the Mirror, November 5, 2018

1 November 2019


By George Daniel Anos

Sometimes we choose to live alone
And people ask us why
Our tongues we hold and merely smile
then leave them hanging dry

Most often too these questions' tone
Are full of genuine wonder
But only if they knew the tale
Left by the last loud thunder

Streaking wild from the sky
From darkly clouds above
We were swept of what we thought
We will forever have

The brightness caught us suddenly
And lifted darkness' curtain
That next ones will be longer still
Of that we thought we're certain

So it struck straight into our heart
too stunned for any objection
Just like a child who hasn't yet
Seen a storm in action

With each new blast on that dark night
Our spirits rose ever higher
The crackling charges gave our spines
electrifying shivers

Too caught up in that wondrous sight
The thunders barely heard
Till that last time it streaked the sky
To our ears it finally bared

Unlike the gentle Sun and moon when
days end and nights begin
Sometimes we cannot see them
Still they return again

Such things are true of sudden love
we surrender everything
Without knowing if its real
right from the beginning

The echoing final rumbles
Of the night with a brightened sky
When lightning strikes were all we saw
Until that sad goodbye.

Source: FB/Thundery weather
November 1, 2019