By Thomas Plummer
March 2, 2018
Walking alone on a beach
Wind, squawking birds, deliciously warm soft sand under foot and quiet time to think.
Regrets? No!
Every mistake has been mine and mine alone.
Would I have done it differently if given another chance?
No, the mistakes and misadventures are what has shaped my life and made me who I am.
Could I have done it better? We all could do it perfect if we knew
then we were doing it wrong.
But we didn't, and every choice we made, whether the bad ones that made us lay in bed buried under blankets too mentally destroyed to even get up that day, or the rare good ones where for just a day we believed we had it all and knew it,
defined the journey of our life.
Staring down a beach that never ends that just disappears into the horizon is your life.
Eyes forward, constantly moving down a path only you can walk, never looking back or ever concerned about the beach you have already tread.
There is a rhythm of life if you seek
the quiet that lets you hear the beat.
Every person has their own path in the sand, but most of us work much too hard trying to walk in other's footsteps rather than accept who we are and what we can be.
The beach on a peaceful morning is a perfect representation of what it means to not be perfect.
My life has been nothing more but the accumulation of choices I have made.
Some good, but many bad, and even a few that have hurt the ones around me.
But who I am, and who I can still be, was always my choice.
But I wouldn't change a thing and I spend no time looking back at the walk in the sand I have already made.
My path is always forward.
There will be other mistakes.
There are adventures waiting for me further down that beach.
But good, bad or ugly, it has been all me, and my choice, and regrets slow down my pace forward and keep me from getting around that next curve on the beach that reveals my future.
You are who you are because
of the choices you have made in life.
If your life isn't what you want, then you need to realize you are the one on that beach walk.
You are alone in the thought that no matter how it turns out you had a choice, you made your decision and who you are today is the combination of all those choices.
Eyes forward down the beach,
there are always better choices tomorrow yet to be made.
Source: FB