There is a special place in life, that needs my humble skill,
A certain job I'm meant to do, which no one else can fulfill.
The time will be demanding, the pay is not too good,
And I wouldn't change it for a moment, even if I could.
There is a special place in life, a goal I must attain,
A dream that I must follow because I won't be back again.
There is a mark that I must leave, however small it seems to be.
A legacy of love for those who follow after me.
There is a special place in life, that only I may share.
A little path that bears my name, awaiting me somewhere.
There is a hand that I must hold, a word that I must say,
A smile that I must give, for there are tears to blow away.
There is a special place in life that I was meant to fill.
A sunny spot where flowers grow, upon a windy hill.
There's always a tomorrow and the
best is yet to be, for somewhere
in this world, I know there
is a place for me.
~© Grace E. Easley
Source: Inspiration Line
31 July 2011
29 July 2011
Leave Good Footprints
Truly life is a precious journey
all of us take.
Each decision we make is a step
that leaves an indelible footprint,
for good or bad,
success or failure,
happiness or sorrow.
So walk carefully my friend
with much thought;
your footprints will follow where ever you go.
Make good footprints
and good will be your ever present companion.
Walk in love.
Reach out in kindness.
Speak peace.
Harm no one.
Be a light for good.
Live in truth.
Spread hope.
Embrace your fellowman.
Build bridges.
Be a friend to all.
Show compassion.
Bless others.
Champion respect.
Give your best.
Do what is right.
Make a difference. (Everyone can!)
Live your life in such a thoughtful and honorable way,
that when you or others look back
on the landscape of your life,
You will feel good,
You will feel proud,
Of the footprints you have left behind,
the life-size portrait
of you
they have etched
on the glass of time.
Footprints that not only allowed you
to live well,
and at peace,
But footprints that made this world
(that sometimes seems crazy)
a better place to be,
Because it was graced by your presence,
blessed by your spirit,
gifted abundantly,
by the bright footprints
you left behind.....
@Nancye Simms
Source: Positive Thoughts
all of us take.
Each decision we make is a step
that leaves an indelible footprint,
for good or bad,
success or failure,
happiness or sorrow.
So walk carefully my friend
with much thought;
your footprints will follow where ever you go.
Make good footprints
and good will be your ever present companion.
Walk in love.
Reach out in kindness.
Speak peace.
Harm no one.
Be a light for good.
Live in truth.
Spread hope.
Embrace your fellowman.
Build bridges.
Be a friend to all.
Show compassion.
Bless others.
Champion respect.
Give your best.
Do what is right.
Make a difference. (Everyone can!)
Live your life in such a thoughtful and honorable way,
that when you or others look back
on the landscape of your life,
You will feel good,
You will feel proud,
Of the footprints you have left behind,
the life-size portrait
of you
they have etched
on the glass of time.
Footprints that not only allowed you
to live well,
and at peace,
But footprints that made this world
(that sometimes seems crazy)
a better place to be,
Because it was graced by your presence,
blessed by your spirit,
gifted abundantly,
by the bright footprints
you left behind.....
@Nancye Simms
Source: Positive Thoughts
25 July 2011
To Walk in Beauty
No garment is more becoming than love.
No vitamin more invigorating.
No lotion, potion, or cosmetic more glamorizing.
The exciting secret of true beauty is love.
Some say that when beauty fades, love goes.
Isn't it the other way around?
Beauty only fades when love is gone.
In you would walk in beauty, stay in love.
You will see the loved one as beautiful.
You will see yourself as beautiful.
All the world about you will be beautiful.
And the people in that world
Will seem more beautiful,
For they will reflect the shining warmth
And beauty in you radiate.
~Marjorie Holmes~
Source: Lord, Let Me Love
22 July 2011
Wisdom for Life’s Journey
Your life is a journey ahead of you.
Each day is a new beginning.
Yesterday is a friend that will guide you.
There will be good times and bad times;
Cherish the good, because they make life sweet,
But be thankful for the bad,
For through them you come to know
The important things in life
And the meaning of life.
There will be times when you face
Difficult decisions,
And you won’t know which way to turn.
The important thing is that you make a choice,
And move forward.
There will be times that test your strength and endurance,
But don’t give up;
Refuse to accept defeat,
For perseverance is the key to success.
there will be times when you are hurt by love.
Forgive those who hurt you
So that your heart will be free to love again.
There will be times when you make mistakes.
Remember that mistakes are not a reflection of your self-worth,
But of your humanity.
Nor do they make you less of a person.
Because of the lessons you’ve learned,
You’ve grown and become wiser.
There will be times when your search for happiness
Leads to frustration and disappointment,
But don’t stop believing in happiness.
Being happy with yourself goes a long way toward
Knowing happiness in your life.
There will be times when life seems unfair,
But don’t allow it to make you bitter
And steal your joy.
Nothing is worth this.
When fear stands in the way of reaching out for your dreams,
Confront them and you will conquer them.
There will be times when your faith is shaken,
But don’t despair,
It will rise up and carry you above the storm and to victory….
Copyright © 1996 By Nancye Sims
Source: Positive Thoughts
Each day is a new beginning.
Yesterday is a friend that will guide you.
There will be good times and bad times;
Cherish the good, because they make life sweet,
But be thankful for the bad,
For through them you come to know
The important things in life
And the meaning of life.
There will be times when you face
Difficult decisions,
And you won’t know which way to turn.
The important thing is that you make a choice,
And move forward.
There will be times that test your strength and endurance,
But don’t give up;
Refuse to accept defeat,
For perseverance is the key to success.
there will be times when you are hurt by love.
Forgive those who hurt you
So that your heart will be free to love again.
There will be times when you make mistakes.
Remember that mistakes are not a reflection of your self-worth,
But of your humanity.
Nor do they make you less of a person.
Because of the lessons you’ve learned,
You’ve grown and become wiser.
There will be times when your search for happiness
Leads to frustration and disappointment,
But don’t stop believing in happiness.
Being happy with yourself goes a long way toward
Knowing happiness in your life.
There will be times when life seems unfair,
But don’t allow it to make you bitter
And steal your joy.
Nothing is worth this.
When fear stands in the way of reaching out for your dreams,
Confront them and you will conquer them.
There will be times when your faith is shaken,
But don’t despair,
It will rise up and carry you above the storm and to victory….
Copyright © 1996 By Nancye Sims
Source: Positive Thoughts
18 July 2011
Trust In Your Purpose
Everything belongs somewhere.
The stars belong to the sky,
The waves to the ocean,
The rain to the clouds,
The wind to the trees,
The mountains to the valleys.
Everything has meaning and purpose
Some need to fill
Something to accomplish.
So do you.
You have meaning and purpose,
You have a need to fill
You have something to accomplish.
Trust in your purpose,
Although it may not be clear at times
Trust it all the time,
Your heart knows it’s there,
Your heart will lead you to it.
Make life easy for yourself –
Follow it!
Don’t doubt it!
Don’t fight it!
Don’t dismiss it!
Do only one thing – Fulfill it!
Trust in your purpose
And you’ll never go wrong.
If it feels right, it is right,
If it makes you happy
You are where you belong –
And when you are where you belong,
There’s no greater feeling……
Copyright 1996 © By Nancye Sims
Source: Positive Thoughts
The stars belong to the sky,
The waves to the ocean,
The rain to the clouds,
The wind to the trees,
The mountains to the valleys.
Everything has meaning and purpose
Some need to fill
Something to accomplish.
So do you.
You have meaning and purpose,
You have a need to fill
You have something to accomplish.
Trust in your purpose,
Although it may not be clear at times
Trust it all the time,
Your heart knows it’s there,
Your heart will lead you to it.
Make life easy for yourself –
Follow it!
Don’t doubt it!
Don’t fight it!
Don’t dismiss it!
Do only one thing – Fulfill it!
Trust in your purpose
And you’ll never go wrong.
If it feels right, it is right,
If it makes you happy
You are where you belong –
And when you are where you belong,
There’s no greater feeling……
Copyright 1996 © By Nancye Sims
Source: Positive Thoughts
16 July 2011
The Gift of Friendship
Friendship is a Priceless Gift
that cannot be bought or sold,
But its value is far greater
than a mountain of made of gold -
For gold is cold and lifeless.
it can neither see nor hear,
And in the time of trouble
it is powerless to cheer -
It has no ears to listen,
no heart to understand,
It cannot bring you comfort
or reach out a helping hand -
So when you ask God for a Gift,
be thankful if He sends
Not diamonds, pearls or riches,
but the love of real true friends.
~Helen Steiner Rice~
that cannot be bought or sold,
But its value is far greater
than a mountain of made of gold -
For gold is cold and lifeless.
it can neither see nor hear,
And in the time of trouble
it is powerless to cheer -
It has no ears to listen,
no heart to understand,
It cannot bring you comfort
or reach out a helping hand -
So when you ask God for a Gift,
be thankful if He sends
Not diamonds, pearls or riches,
but the love of real true friends.
~Helen Steiner Rice~
4 July 2011
"Freedom is a condition of your heart. You can be captive amidst great wealth and free behind bars. Do your fears, insecurities, beliefs and programs still control the way you choose to spend your days? The true freedom in life is feeling free to think, act and speak according to the dictates of your heart.
So liberate your spirit from self-censure, self-judgment and anything other than appreciation of self. Take a few minutes to appreciate the beautiful and courageous soul that you truly are. And then if you want to liberate your soul even further take a few minutes to think of someone you'd rather not and find a way to appreciate them.
This freedom to find loving allowance for all is truly the greatest liberty of all." ~Ann Albers
We need more risk takers and eccentrics in this world. From Picasso to Mother Theresa, society thrives because of people who will stand out, or stand alone if necessary, for their dreams and their visions.
Our thoughts keep racing around in the future where we spend too much time creating confusing games with countless options, decisions, and what if’s. Worry is unproductive, unnecessary and totally useless. Statistically, most things that we worry about do not EVER happen, so worry is a needless waste of our creative energy.
People who live with integrity, who focus on their values and on developing their personal character, are rarely confused. They avoid intellectual clutter, know who
they are, what they stand for, and have clarity about where they are going in life.
This vital element of character revolves around integrity, genuineness and sincerity. Webster defines it as "being credible" and "worthy of trust." To improve our personal, local and global relationships we must fully embrace our AUTHENTIC SELVES and release all need for pretense.
We exist in a world that asks us to live complicated, stressful and complex lives and if we are not careful, we can lose ourselves, our values and our joy by falling prey to the ever-increasing demands on our time. SIMPLICITY requires us to slow down to consider how our lives reflect who we are and, most important, what we value.
It's vital to remember that freedom from fear can exist only in the PRESENT tense. To overcome fear’s seduction, we must stop being trapped between the past and future and move to where freedom lives: squarely in the "Now." For only here are we free to want what we have, do what we can and be who we are so that our life can have meaning in the world.
Other folks can have any opinion, make any remark, or be as "critical" as they wish. That's their right. But, we also have the right to IGNORE them! Read and embrace Terry Cole-Whittaker's bestselling book that says: What You Think of Me Is None of My Business. Declare independence from those who regularly criticize, but fail to offer constructive assistance.
To experience the freedom that comes from the warmth and companionship of sharing our innermost thoughts and feelings with another human being, we must step out of isolation and allow others to get close. "Today, I will get to know the real me by first taking a personal inventory, then I will practice being completely honest with another person."
To some degree we are all compulsive — over-working, over-spending, over-worrying and over-consuming in a variety of forms. We have believed that the only solution is CONTROL, but in trying to control our compulsions, they inevitably control us. SLOWING DOWN creates a space and freedom from driven-ness, giving us increased sensitivity and time for more positive thought and action.
"Declare YOUR independence from old patterns, habits, 'shoulds' AND relationships or addictions that have limited you. Determine to live your life to the fullest — to explore your potential and live according to your own conscience and highest aspirations. Want what you have — Do what you can — Be who you are! ~Chelle Thompson, Inspiration Line Editor
4 July 2011
So liberate your spirit from self-censure, self-judgment and anything other than appreciation of self. Take a few minutes to appreciate the beautiful and courageous soul that you truly are. And then if you want to liberate your soul even further take a few minutes to think of someone you'd rather not and find a way to appreciate them.
This freedom to find loving allowance for all is truly the greatest liberty of all." ~Ann Albers
We need more risk takers and eccentrics in this world. From Picasso to Mother Theresa, society thrives because of people who will stand out, or stand alone if necessary, for their dreams and their visions.
"Our concern must be to live while we're alive to release our inner selves from the spiritual death that comes with living behind a facade designed to conform to external definitions of who and what we are." ~Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
Our thoughts keep racing around in the future where we spend too much time creating confusing games with countless options, decisions, and what if’s. Worry is unproductive, unnecessary and totally useless. Statistically, most things that we worry about do not EVER happen, so worry is a needless waste of our creative energy.
"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength." ~Corrie Ten Boom
People who live with integrity, who focus on their values and on developing their personal character, are rarely confused. They avoid intellectual clutter, know who
they are, what they stand for, and have clarity about where they are going in life.
"Because clarity and enlightenment are within your own nature, they are regained without moving an inch." ~Lao Tzu
This vital element of character revolves around integrity, genuineness and sincerity. Webster defines it as "being credible" and "worthy of trust." To improve our personal, local and global relationships we must fully embrace our AUTHENTIC SELVES and release all need for pretense.
"A bizarre sensation pervades a relationship of pretense. No truth seems true. A simple morning's greeting and response appear loaded with innuendo and fraught with implications. Each nicety becomes more sterile and each withdrawal more permanent." ~Maya Angelou
We exist in a world that asks us to live complicated, stressful and complex lives and if we are not careful, we can lose ourselves, our values and our joy by falling prey to the ever-increasing demands on our time. SIMPLICITY requires us to slow down to consider how our lives reflect who we are and, most important, what we value.
"Reduce the complexity of life by eliminating the needless wants of life, and the labors of life reduce themselves." ~Edwin Way Teale
It's vital to remember that freedom from fear can exist only in the PRESENT tense. To overcome fear’s seduction, we must stop being trapped between the past and future and move to where freedom lives: squarely in the "Now." For only here are we free to want what we have, do what we can and be who we are so that our life can have meaning in the world.
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." ~Ambrose Redmoon
Other folks can have any opinion, make any remark, or be as "critical" as they wish. That's their right. But, we also have the right to IGNORE them! Read and embrace Terry Cole-Whittaker's bestselling book that says: What You Think of Me Is None of My Business. Declare independence from those who regularly criticize, but fail to offer constructive assistance.
"Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain and most fools do." ~Dale Carnegie
To experience the freedom that comes from the warmth and companionship of sharing our innermost thoughts and feelings with another human being, we must step out of isolation and allow others to get close. "Today, I will get to know the real me by first taking a personal inventory, then I will practice being completely honest with another person."
"Despair and isolation are my greatest internal enemies; I need to remember I am not alone, even when it feels that way." ~Audre Lorde
To some degree we are all compulsive — over-working, over-spending, over-worrying and over-consuming in a variety of forms. We have believed that the only solution is CONTROL, but in trying to control our compulsions, they inevitably control us. SLOWING DOWN creates a space and freedom from driven-ness, giving us increased sensitivity and time for more positive thought and action.
"A person is rich in proportion to the things he or she can afford to let alone." ~Henry David Thoreau
"Declare YOUR independence from old patterns, habits, 'shoulds' AND relationships or addictions that have limited you. Determine to live your life to the fullest — to explore your potential and live according to your own conscience and highest aspirations. Want what you have — Do what you can — Be who you are! ~Chelle Thompson, Inspiration Line Editor
4 July 2011
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